Three Critical Voting Security Problems in Colorado


Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold hasn’t exactly been accurate when it comes to election security. A former gubernatorial candidate, Heidi Granahl, pointed out three problems with the upcoming election.

The Three Problems

Beginning with the first problem, Griswold claimed there is no way to connect the voting machines to the Internet. That turned out not to be true. Twelve Colorado counties have voting systems with Wi-Fi remote access cards, which allow connectivity to the Internet. It’s an easy fix if Griswold orders it or county officials do it.

The second problem is with their post office.

“The post office is supposed to give unlabeled, deliverable ballots that are returned back to the county clerk’s office. They are reflected in an invoice that’s billed to the county clerks. These don’t match in eleven counties that Granahl’s team looked at. In fact, there were over 30,000 ballots that could not be accounted for.  We’ve got to make sure and fix that.”

Third, “the drop boxes all over Colorado are not quite as secure as the Secretary of State would like to make us think. The cameras that are supposed to videotape the actual drop boxes while people are dropping off their ballots are mostly low resolution, so they’re not admissible in court as evidence, and they’re typically not pointed in a way that you can see what goes on at the drop boxes. “

“Now, after the election, they’re supposed to review the footage. We’re finding that’s not typically the case. So what good does it do to even monitor the drop boxes with low-resolution cameras that don’t point in the right direction? “

Former candidate Ganahl plans to train citizens across Colorado “to learn how to be Dropbox observers. We’re not going to intimidate voters; we’re not going to do anything, but according to the law, we’re going to keep an eye on our Dropboxes to make sure they’re secure.”

Las Vegas News Magazine

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