The Most Insane Transgenderism-Transhumanism Nexus You've Never Seen


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Originally published via Creed Speech Substack.

My wife and tried a Thai Netflix Wokeflix series called ‘Tomorrow and I’ on the back of a friend’s recommendation who said it was like a Thai version of Black Mirror.

All the episodes were off the charts globalist-agenda-driven with plentiful vax-shilling propaganda embedded in climate cultist hysteria, but I will focus on one episode called Black Sheep for this short piece. Another friend of mine perfectly encapsulated the Netflix zeitgeist with this meme he sent me:

This meme has quickly morphed into episode 1 drawing you in with some intriguing storylines and a likeable cast, then in episode 2 they force the inclusive plot upon your unsuspecting viewership. Now the evolution of the trap is sprung within the final twenty minutes of any given standalone show when some bizarre Trans stuff comes from left-field…

The Black Sheep episode started off wholesome enough, albeit to the backdrop of a dystopian future whereby people clone their pets ad infinitum to keep their little beloved fur-balls alive indefinitely with the same persona. Human cloning is outlawed. We are introduced to a cutesy heterosexual couple – the woman is a brainy pioneering scientist who’s trying to 3D print organs to solve the organ shortage transplant crisis; aiming to give longevity of life to all those with dodgy hearts or bad luck genetics.


Hubby is on a video call with wifey – who is soon to be Earth-bound after a space mission with the objective of 3D printing human hearts in zero gravity in space. Aside from the obvious dystopic world-building, I commented to my wife that it was nice to see a ‘wholesome’ storyline with no intense propaganda laid on, as the couple opined how much they missed each other, desperate to be reunited after a two year hiatus.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, doesn’t it?

Constant cut-scenes and flashbacks kept us guessing for a while, until it was clear that the scientist wife had snuffed it during her return journey to Earth.

Her best friend is another scientist who works at a pet cloning lab – ‘she’ is a biological male simulating a female aka a ‘Transgender Woman’. Fair enough.


Hubby persuades the cloning expert to clone his dead wife, after stealing his wife’s head from her corpse – against her parent’s wishes, who do not wish to resurrect her. The cloning expert needs the dead lady’s brain to scan it and download her memories for the cloning process.

The Trans scientist calls the husband back to the lab in an ‘uh-oh’ moment pertaining to some irregularities with the memory scan. We assume that the deceased wife has had an affair based on snippets of what is relayed to the husband over the phone.


Then the Netflix production pulls the rug out from under the viewer, with a bizarre montage of memory-video-clips.



We see memories of the dead wife as a teenager trying to flatten her breasts, lift weights, and using a face scanning app to change her appearance into a male. Yep, she was ‘trapped’ in the wrong body all along of course!

Cue a devastated blubbering husband asking the Trans scientist to abort the procedure. Swat teams break into his apartment to arrest him for stealing his dead wife’s head, but not before he has time to make a phone call following a change of heart. He asks the cloning expert to go ahead – with a minor adjustment request – make her him with the old chromosome switcheroo! It’s what his wife always wanted after all!!


Bring her back as an XY biological male ‘Transman’, because that’s what the Transgenderism movement has always been striving for in the ultimate Transhumanist endgame.

Never mind surgeries and hormones, just fully change the chromosomes. Gender dysphoria-affected-youth can rejoice on the back of this propagandised tell-lie-vision in that the technology may one day exist to alter their chromosomes – although I find that hard to believe it will ever come to pass. We’ll see.

I have three friends in the UK right now who have nieces that believe they are boys. They want hormones and surgeries. They are minors. Their parents are frantic with worry trying to convince their child that this is a phase.

The episode wraps up with the husband meeting his resurrected ‘wife’ in her box-fresh new male body, complete with facial hair and some tender hand-holding moments; no smooches.

The weirdest episode I have ever watched on Netflix to date. No doubt 2025 can outdo it.

Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based writer. Follow Creed Speech on Substack. Any support is greatly appreciated.

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