SEO Jobs in Irving, TX (2024 Case Study)
Our analysis of 256 SEO job postings in Irving, TX, offers insights into the area for SEO specialists and digital marketing professionals.These job postings comprised all business types, from SEO agencies to general marketing agencies and companies wanting full website management.Key TakeawaysThe average salary for SEO roles in Irving is $63,929.A significant 49.1% of SEO job listings in Irving require a Master’s degree.Mid-level experience is a common requirement, with 57.8% of SEO jobs requiring it. The Average Annual Salary for SEO Jobs in Irving is $63,929 (0.16% Lower Than the National Average)We sourced data from platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed to determine that the average Search Engine Optimization salary in Irving, TX, is $64,032, just 0.16% below the national average.The national average for an SEO role is $64,032, as determined by our extensive analysis of over 9,365 job listings across 100 cities in the United States.Here’s a breakdown of the SEO job salary distribution in Irving, TX:Under $60,000: 24%$60,000 – $64,499: 36%$65,000 and above: 38%This indicates that 57.6% of SEO positions in Irving fall below the national average salary.Irving, TX, has 173% More SEO Job OpportunitiesOur research indicates that Irving, TX, has 173% more SEO job opportunities than the average US city.There were 256 SEO job postings in Irving compared to an average of 93.65 jobs per city nationwide.57.8% of SEO Jobs Require Mid-Level ExperienceAlso, 57.8% of all jobs listed on our sources required mid-level experience.This often includes expertise in keyword research, link building, and developing SEO strategies that enhance user experience and website content. You’ll also need a good understanding of SEO tools.Alongside this, you have 28.4% of roles requiring entry-level experience and 13.8% required senior-level experience.95% of SEO Jobs in Irving Require A Bachelor’s Degree or HigherNearly all SEO job openings in Irving require a Bachelor’s degree or higher.A notable 49.1% of roles seek candidates with advanced degrees, underlining the importance of academic credentials in securing a position as an SEO Manager or Digital Marketing Specialist.It’s only a very small percentage, 5%, of jobs that require high school or associate degrees.Top 5 Required SEO Skills in Irving, TXThere are many SEO skills required. However, here are the top 5 that were mentioned:SEO: Expertise in on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical aspects like SEO audit, metadata framework, tag structure, and content lifecycle management.Social Media Marketing: Skills in crafting engaging social media strategies, managing campaigns, and analyzing social media analytics tools to gauge campaign effectiveness.Keyword Research: Ability to conduct thorough market research and leverage web analytics to identify high-impact keywords and target markets for content creation.Marketing Automation: Proficiency with analytics tools and marketing automation platforms to streamline marketing campaigns and email marketing initiatives.Performance Marketing: Skills in managing Google Ads, analyzing data with Google Analytics, and making informed business decisions to drive marketing team success.Please note, however, that many other skills are considered “favored.” These include computer science, data analysis, web design, customer service, product management, and more. Typically, the job type will determine the skills required. For instance, the company may want an SEO outreach specialist to improve its outreach. If they need you to manage a team, you may need senior marketing coordinator experience, etc.ConclusionAs you can see, Irving, TX, is a great location for SEO professionals looking to advance their careers in SEO services.The location has a decent salary range, only 6.2% lower than the national average. However, alongside this, it has 173% more SEO job opportunities than most cities across the US, which is a great indication of demand.Nonetheless, opportunities are limited for those without a higher education. Almost all jobs require a bachelor’s degree or higher. This could indicate more managerial roles, such as content management, managing team members, or being an SEO and SEM manager.One last note: if this seems overwhelming, you should consider getting an SEO career mentor or learning an SEO training curriculum like Gotch SEO Academy.You may also like:
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