Secret Service Knew of 5 Assassination Teams Hunting DJT But Took Assets Away


Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said Thursday that a senior Homeland Security Department official approached him as a whistleblower before the second assassination attempt. He told Rep. Gaetz that five assassination teams are on the loose in the United States hunting Donald Trump.

With the borders open, there are probably more than five.

Still, the Secret Service did not provide extra security. They told agents not to ask for help, and when they were approached, they said no one asked for help.

Three of the teams are foreign, and two are domestic.

“I had a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security in my office before the second assassination attempt, saying that what he has assessed is that there are five known assassination teams in the United States, three inspired by other governments, two that are here, that are known domestic assassination teams,” Gaetz said on “Human Events Daily.”

“Five teams that we know are targeting Trump,” he clarified. “And so that raises real questions about why certain teams were being pulled off of the Trump deal detail and put on, for example, the Jill Biden detail.”

“Now, we don’t want anything bad to happen to Jill Biden, but at the same time, the threat envelope for her was substantially different than the threat envelope around President Trump, and it would not have necessitated pulling assets away from the Trump detail for the Joe Biden detail or the John Bolton detail or any other details that were beefed up at the same time, the requests from the Trump detail and from the Trump campaign for more security, were going unanswered, frankly,” he concluded.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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