RFK Jr: “Pediatricians who vaccinate 80-85% of the kids in their office, get these GIANT bonuses!” | JP
This is perhaps the most important — and most dangerous — article I have ever posted.
But I have to print the truth wherever I find it.
Let’s start with this clip from RFK Jr. explaining how pediatricians are given an incentive to vaccine your children with ALL the vaccines produced by Big Pharma:
RFK JR: “Pediatricians who vaccinate 80-85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses…And that’s why they throw you out of the office if you fight back…You’ll lose them their bonuses.”pic.twitter.com/ey1uGGnZTU
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 9, 2024
Backup here if needed:
RFK JR: “Pediatricians who vaccinate 80-85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses…And that’s why they throw you out of the office if you fight back…You’ll lose them their bonuses.” pic.twitter.com/K5MX8cJo92
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) November 12, 2024
So to summarize what he just said, he claims that pediatricians are given a monetary payout — a BONUS — if they vaccinate a high rate of children in their clinic.
He claims it can be as high as $400/child….
But ONLY IF they maintain high levels of vaccination overall at the clinic.
Which is why they freak out on you if you refuse to get the vaccines or don’t want to follow the CDC schedule.
It’s not hard to imagine in this scenario where they start to see each little kid with a dollar sign over their heads instead of a patient!
RFK Jr. explains how the business model is to increase traffic into the clinic.
Unlike when we were kids, and you only went to the doctor if you got hurt, now you go all the time!
Sorry folks, but I don’t think the term “business model” should be connected to treating our children, do you?
Especially our HEALTHY children.
They’ve even come up with a name for it, have you noticed that?
Are you paying attention?
They put it right in front of your face….
When a child goes to the doctor even when they’re healthy, it’s often called a well-child visit or a checkup. These visits are routine appointments meant to monitor the child’s growth, development, and overall health, as well as to provide preventive care like vaccinations.
How very, very wrong!
A “well child” should be outside playing in the sun and getting Vitamin D, not drug into a doctor’s office to get jabbed!
This reply to RFK’s post really caught my eye:
Here’s a copy of the BCBD bonus “plan”… pic.twitter.com/lU2rhwJP1y
— OMDClementine (@ClementineOMD) November 9, 2024
Now let’s dig into this for a minute….
That Twitter post links to this article on WellnessAndEqulity:
If you want to be sure your pediatrician has your child’s best interest, this is mandatory reading. Pediatricians around the country have begun refusing to accept families who opt out of some or all vaccines. Thanks to a tip sent to Wellness & Equality by a reader, now we know why.
When my friend’s child suffered a life-threatening reaction to a vaccine a week after her first birthday, my friend assumed her pediatrician would write her a medical exemption from future vaccines. Shortly after receiving a routine set of vaccines, the happy, vibrant one-year-old spiked a 106 degree fever, began having seizures, and was hospitalized. When the unexplained “illness” passed after a week in the hospital, the little girl had lost her ability to walk. My friend describes how her daughter, who had learned to walk several months earlier at 9 months, suddenly “stumbled around like a drunk person” for weeks following the vaccines. My friend met with a team of pediatricians, neurologists, and naturopathic doctors, and they agreed: Her daughter had suffered a brain injury caused by a reaction to one of the vaccines. Hoping the injury would be temporary and that she might recover and ease her brain inflammation if they could help her small body quickly eliminate the vaccine additives that caused the reaction, my friend’s daughter underwent an intensive detoxification program overseen by a nutritionalist. Slowly, her daughter relearned to walk.
My friend is a practicing attorney who graduated from a Top 10 college. The evidence was overwhelming that her daughter’s reaction had been caused by vaccines, she told me.
But a few months later, when she took her daughter back into the pediatrician for a visit, he wanted to vaccinate her daughter again. She was baffled. Why?
After a reader sent us a link to a PDF file of Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Physician Incentive Program available online, Wellness & Equality learned that insurance companies pay pediatricians massive bonuses based on the percentage of children who are fully vaccinated by age 2.
So how much money do doctors really make from vaccines? The average American pediatrician has 1546 patients, though some pediatricians see many more. The vast majority of those patients are very young, perhaps because children transition to a family physician or stop visiting the doctor at all as they grow up. As they table above explains, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.
But here’s the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head–it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice.
If your pediatrician recommends that your child under the age of 2 receive the flu vaccine–even though the flu vaccine has never been studied in very young children and evidence suggests that the flu vaccine actually weakens a person’s immune system over the long term–ask yourself: Is my doctor more concerned with selling me vaccines to keep my child healthy or to send his child to private school?
That article also includes this critical update:
Update 4/30/2017: After Wellness & Equality published this article, Blue Cross Blue Shield locked online access to their incentive program and then removed the page altogether. Clearly this incentive program was never intended to be public knowledge and created a bit of PR issue for them. Fortunately, another website managed to save the entire BCBS incentive program booklet and has published it in entirety online… You can read it here: Blue Cross Blue Shield Physician Incentive Program
That link directly above appears to continue the BCBS manual referenced in the post above and which is exactly what RFK Jr. is referencing.
To be fair, we cannot independently verify if the massive document shown in that link is authentic or not, but if there are any pediatricians reading this please comment below and let us know if this has been your experience.
The document is far too voluminous to reprint here, but I note this page in question does appear to show a $400/child bonus is paid for fully vaccinating a child:
We like to report openly and honestly and fairly here, so I’m going to end with two more things to show you to perhaps balance this out and then let YOU decide what you think.
First, I asked Grok if this was true:
So Grok appears to confirm it’s real, and even references the 2016 Performance Recognition Program by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan guide, which is EXACTLY what claims to be hosted in that website linked above.
But Grok says the numbers are “not that high”.
Ok, interesting…
And to be ultra fair, PolitiFact rates the claim as FALSE:
Misleading claims that Blue Cross Blue Shield is paying doctors to meet child vaccination quotas have been spreading across social media.
“Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating at least 100 patients under the age of two,” an Instagram post claimed. “Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head — it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice.”
This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Blue Cross Blue Shield is an association of 35 independent U.S. health insurance companies. The association does not provide bonuses for vaccinating a set number of child patients.
“Every (Blue Cross Blue Shield) company sets its own value-based contracts with local providers,” said a Blue Cross Blue Shield spokesperson. “The purpose of any performance-based incentives, where they exist, is to reward implementation of well-established evidence-based best practices in the care of our members. While vaccinations may fall into that category, they would not be the sole performance measure. Any incentives cover a broad collection of best practices.”
“As always, decisions around whether to vaccinate ultimately rest with the provider and the patient (and) parent,” said the spokesperson.
Childhood vaccines are considered standard medical practice. The American Academy of Pediatrics “strongly recommends immunizations as the safest and most cost-effective way of preventing disease, disability, and death.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also encourages parents to immunize their children against preventable and potentially life-threatening disease, providing a schedule of standard vaccinations given to children starting at birth and going up to age 18.
Blue Cross Blue Shield chief medical officer Vincent Nelson told Lead Stories, “Physicians (and) providers can be incentivized through their work with independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies, but the implication in this post that physicians (and) providers pursue childhood vaccinations solely for financial reasons is false.”
We rate this claim False.
We report, you decide!
You Will Be SICK To Learn How Much Pediatricians Are Paid For Vaccinating YOUR Kids!
You Will Be SICK To Learn How Much Pediatricians Are Paid For Vaccinating YOUR Kids!
Perhaps the ONLY good thing to come out of the Pandemic is the massive red pill currently happening about vaccines.
Not only the COVID jab, but ALL vaccines.
People are realizing this is not good, and it’s not normal.
And they just keep adding more!
Here is a visual depiction of a baby surrounded by all the shots it will have to get by the time it turns 5:
Enough is enough.
I’ve shared this story before, but I’ll share it one more time here because it’s directly relevant for what I’m about to show you….
When we had our first child, even back then I already knew vaccines were not safe.
I knew I probably couldn’t avoid them altogether, but I figured my next best option was to space them out.
I asked my doctor if we could deviate from the official “CDC” schedule by spacing the shots out. I would (begrudgingly) still do them all, but instead of giving 3 on one day for example, space them out two weeks apart.
At first I got the runaround and all the BS reasons why that won’t work….
“That will be a lot of work for you having all those appointments.” I don’t care, I replied.
“That will be extra cost, all the extra copays.” I don’t care, I replied.
“That’s highly unusual.” What’s the big deal, I replied? Can you explain to me why we can’t do that?
That’s when his whole demeanor changed, he got all red and blotchy in the face, he started tripping over his own words, looked down and refused to look me in the face and angrily shouted “We don’t do that here!”
Wow, weird right?
Why have such an emotional response?
Isn’t your first duty to the health of your patients?
Well, it turns out it is NOT.
For most pediatricians, I’m sad to say, their first duty has changed and they now have two masters: The all-powerful US Dollar and Big Pharma!
How lovely.
That’s where RFK, Jr. comes in.
This guy is literally blowing the lid off this whole thing.
You have to see this latest short clip where he explains EXACTLY why Pediatricians won’t let you NOT vaccinate your kids (or even spread them out), and like almost everything else it all comes down to money:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won’t Accept You If You Don’t
Your Kids
“A typical pediatrician’s office makes about 50% of its funding from vaccines. Not actually from selling the individual vaccines, but from the traffic…And pediatricians who vaccinate 80 or 85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses…Huge amounts of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars that they make, making sure that 85% of the kids are vaccinated. And that’s why they throw you out of the office if you fight back. It’s not because they care so much about your particular kid, it’s that you’ll throw off the metrics and you’ll lose them their bonuses.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won’t Accept You If You Don’t
Your Kids
“A typical pediatrician’s office makes about 50% of its funding from vaccines. Not actually from selling the individual vaccines, but from the traffic…And pediatricians who… pic.twitter.com/ne2Zl6KA6b
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) September 3, 2024
At the end of the clip, he says go research the Blue Cross Blue Shield payment schedules that detail how big these bonus payments are — it’s all public record.
So I did.
I started with ChatGPT, which confirmed that what RFK, Jr. said is true….they do offer these “pay-for-performance” models (hey, it’s that what we call a QUID PRO QUO? I thought those were bad or something) but it couldn’t give me the specifics on the dollar amounts:
Yes, some health insurance companies, including Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and its regional affiliates, may provide incentives or bonuses to healthcare providers, including pediatricians, for meeting certain quality measures, including vaccination rates among their patients. These incentive programs are part of what’s often referred to as “value-based care” or “pay-for-performance” models.
Here’s what is generally known about such programs:
Incentive Programs for Vaccination Rates:
- Quality Improvement Programs: Many Blue Cross Blue Shield plans participate in quality improvement programs such as the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) or similar measures. HEDIS includes childhood immunization status as a quality measure. Providers who achieve high vaccination rates may receive higher reimbursement rates or bonuses.
- Performance-Based Bonuses: Pediatricians and clinics can receive bonuses for achieving high rates of vaccinations. These bonuses can be linked to the percentage of patients who are fully vaccinated according to the CDC’s immunization schedule.
- Reimbursement Adjustments: Some programs offer tiered reimbursement rates based on achieving specific targets. For example, a pediatric office might receive higher reimbursement for services provided if 80% or more of its patients are fully vaccinated by a certain age.
- Specific BCBS Programs: Blue Cross Blue Shield programs, like the Blue Quality Physician Program (BQPP) or the Quality-Based Reimbursement (QBR) program, vary by state and region. These programs generally assess various performance metrics, including immunization rates, to determine reimbursement levels or additional payments.
Specific Data by Region:
- BCBS of Michigan: In Michigan, BCBS offers incentive payments to providers who meet pediatric immunization goals. Providers can receive an additional amount per vaccinated child if they meet specific coverage rates (e.g., 80% or 90%).
- BCBS of North Carolina: Offers performance-based incentive payments tied to immunization rates, which are part of the broader value-based payment model to ensure children are up-to-date with their vaccinations.
- BCBS of Texas: The Blue Premier program incentivizes healthcare practices to increase preventive care measures, such as childhood immunization rates. Higher vaccination rates can lead to bonuses or higher reimbursements.
How to Get Specific Data:
- Direct Inquiries to BCBS Affiliates: Each BCBS affiliate (such as BCBS of Michigan, BCBS of Texas, etc.) may have specific programs with varying criteria. Direct contact with these affiliates can provide specific details.
- Review Publicly Available Contracts and Guidelines: Some BCBS affiliates publish their provider guidelines and performance metrics criteria online. Reviewing these documents can provide details on incentive structures.
- State Health Departments and Transparency Programs: Some states may require insurers to disclose performance metrics and related payment incentives, which can be accessed through state health department websites.
So I went to Grok.
And Grok delivered.
I’ll copy the full answer below but basically a pediatrician can get $40,000 for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2, and it jumps to $80,000 if they get to 200!
But drop below 63% and you lose all bonsues.
Yes, according to information available up to 2024, Blue Cross Blue Shield does offer financial incentives to pediatricians for vaccinating their patients, but there are specifics and context to consider:
Incentive Programs: Blue Cross Blue Shield has had performance-based incentive programs where pediatricians could receive bonuses for vaccinating children under the age of 2. A commonly cited figure from a 2016 program by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan mentioned a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If the pediatrician managed to vaccinate 200 patients, this bonus could jump to $80,000.
Conditions for Bonuses: However, these bonuses come with conditions. Pediatricians would lose the entire bonus unless at least 63% of their patients under the age of 2 were fully vaccinated, which includes receiving the flu vaccine.
Context and Misconceptions: The figures and conditions mentioned have often been cited on social media and have led to some misconceptions. The actual payments and conditions can vary significantly by state, the specific Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, and over time. The numbers from 2016 were specific to one program and not necessarily representative of current or universal practices across all Blue Cross Blue Shield associations.
Purpose of Incentives: These incentives are part of broader quality care metrics, not solely focused on vaccination. They aim to encourage best practices in preventative care, which includes vaccinations among other health services like BMI assessments, developmental screenings, and more.
Current Data: Specific up-to-date figures for 2024 or detailed breakdowns post-2016 regarding how these incentives might have changed aren’t provided in the search results or X posts, but the practice of offering some form of incentive for vaccination rates as part of broader quality care initiatives continues to be part of how insurance companies operate.
Critical Perspective: While these incentives are designed to promote health care practices that prevent disease, they’ve also been criticized or viewed with skepticism by some who worry about the potential for financial incentives to influence medical decisions, possibly prioritizing quantity over individual patient care or consent.
And now you see why my doctor got so red and blotchy in the face and started shouting.
Because he was BANKING on that $40,000 or $80,000 and I was standing in his way.
You see, even if I got all the vaccines but spaced them out, we wouldn’t hit the 100% by Age 2 because we’d be spaced out to older ages.
And bye bye pay day.
Here is an MD backing up the truth of what Grok told us above:
Just a Reminder:
DID YOU KNOW: Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.
BUT pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. pic.twitter.com/dJvuG5AGCa
— M. Todd Trebony, MD FAAC (@doc_singing) March 25, 2023
Excuse me and (sorry Franklin) but how the FUCK is this even legal?
Incentivized pay to force vaccines on babies where parents don’t necessarily want them?
And despite the lies Big Pharma will tell you, they are NOT proven safe, quite the contrary!
This should be absolutely 100% criminal if you ask me.
Sick, sick stuff.
History will not look back kindly on what has been done here.
Evil greed and just one additional way for “Moloch” to kill children.
Marin County Defies CDC Vaccine Schedule, Experiences Decline in Autism Rates?
Big shout out to my friends over at ThePeople’sVoice (hello Sean) who are the first I’ve seen to run with this story (source here).
It caught my eye in a big way, so I wanted to pass it on to you and also provide an additional Fact-Check on this incredible story.
Here is the Twitter post that first caught my eye:
The first US county to ever experience a decrease in childhood autism rates has been pinpointed, says economic researcher Toby Rogers, who explains that starting in 2000, parents in Marin County, California began to do something differently.
Rather than blindly following the… pic.twitter.com/b2qJrnZKm9
— Luther ‘Ćyrus’ (@Censored4sure) August 17, 2024
That’s an incredible claim!
And it basically all boils down to two claims that you read together, which are that: (1) parents in Marin County, CA around the year 2000 started following a different (reduced or eliminated) childhood vaccination schedule than what the CDC pushes on the rest of us, and (2) that as a result, 20+ years later, they have experienced a counter-trend DECLINE in Autism rates compared to what is seen in the rest of the Country.
Wow, right?
So is it true?
It rings true to me just in my gut, but that’s not sufficient enough for a Fact-Check.
I will tell you right upfront that the evidence I was able to find is a bit “scant” at best, but that’s not surprising. If something like this were true, you know they’d go to great lengths to scrub it from the Internet.
So here’s what I did find….
First, I was surprised to see that when I asked ChatGPT about the first claim, it confirmed the alternate vaccine schedule in Marin County around the year 2000 DID in fact occur:
I find that especially interesting given that the Far-Left ChatGPT would typically not admit something like this.
So that seems to be decent confirmation of the first claim.
Also, Marin County, CA is a VERY wealthy and VERY liberal area….and what do we know about ultra wealthy, white liberals?
We know that they LOVE telling you what to do (usually some horrific Far-Left trope) and then they themselves do the opposite.
For example, walls are racist and we need to bring as many migrants into the Country as possible! But….I have a massive wall around my huge house and I’m damn sure not housing any migrants here or even anywhere in my City!
That kind of hypocrisy.
So it doesn’t surprise me at all that they would do something like that in Marin County. It’s textbook!
Then we have the second claim: Did Autism rates go down?
Well, according to this study published on the official PubMed.gov website….YES!
See the study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32193763/
Leading expert Toby Rogers ties it all together:
The first U.S. county to ever experience a decrease in autism has been pinpointed, says economic researcher Toby Rogers. Starting in 2000, parents in Marin County, CA began to do something differently.
The CDC is looking into this huge finding, right?
… Right?… pic.twitter.com/TW6td23RGU
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) August 17, 2024
Now let me wrap it all up by presenting a bit of the counter-argument by those who want to shoot holes in this.
Because that’s what we do here…I give you as much information as I can and I let you decide!
So I asked ChatGPT if the entire claim (part 1 and part 2) are true, and as you might expect it claimed there was no evidence to suggest a linkage between Claim 1 (reduced vaccines) and Claim 2 (reduced Autism). Here’s what it told me:
So that’s a pretty textbook reply, just spewing the “there is no credible link between vaccines and Autism” BS that we’ve heard for years.
Sorry, but I don’t find THAT CLAIM credible!
When I pressed on the issue, it responded by claiming that the decreased Autism rates were rather due to “access to private care” by the wealthy parents — yeah, because “private care” can stop Autism?
The study you referenced does not establish a causal link between changes in vaccination schedules and declining autism rates in wealthy white populations in Marin County. While the article notes a decline in autism rates in these demographics, it attributes the trend to factors like access to private care or alternative interventions rather than vaccination practices. The relationship between vaccination schedules and autism has been extensively studied, and no credible evidence supports a causal connection between vaccines and autism rates.
In a related report, it is nice to see so many people red-pilling and speaking out on this issue:
MUST SEE: Top American Financier Now Speaking Out About Forced Childhood Vaccinations
Satan always overplays his hand…
So you can always take solace that when things look the worst, that’s likely the time when Evil has just overplayed its hand and the boomerang is about to swing back hard in the other direction, placing Satan farther behind than when he started.
I believe that just happened with vaccines.
Allow me to explain….
For decades, Americans endured a vastly increasing schedule of forced childhood vaccines.
Even if we didn’t like it, most of us just went along with it because they were mandated and you had to get them in order to send your kids to school.
And in reality, most people didn’t even give it a second thought.
Surely the medical doctors are only doing what’s best for me!
Enter 2020.
And all of a sudden one vaccine was forced upon the entire country.
One vaccine, three makers….
By the way, Moderna, Pfizer and J&J are all competitors right?
Can anyone explain to me how they all suddenly developed a vaccine for COVID all at the same time and all on their own?
Are we really supposed to beLIEve that?
Folks, it’s absolute HORSE-SHIT, and don’t get angry about my language that is the only descriptor accurate enough to use.
If you really believe that all three Big Pharma companies all just suddenly, overnight, developed vaccines for COVID all working independently of each other, and they all did it in record time and all finished at the same time….then you have just failed the IQ Test. I’m sorry.
That’s hogwash!
Oh, and don’t forget that they were also so similar and so compatible that you could mix and match!
Remember that?
Got the J&J for your first dose?
No problem, get Moderna for your second dose!
You kidding me with this garbage?
And so many people FINALLY woke up from their slumber and started saying this isn’t right…
Perhaps it was when they were bribed with Krispie Kreme donuts if they would just go get the shot!
Or perhaps it was the fact that the shot was free….
NOTHING in life is free, you’re paying for it some way.
Or maybe it was the fact that you were told you’d be fired from your job (and many were!) if you didn’t take the jab!
What happened to My Body, My Choice?
Why were they so desperate to get this jab into your body?
So….millions of Americans FINALLY woke up from their slumber and realized something was wrong here, something was very, very wrong here.
And that’s where we pick up our story, because now that millions are awake, they’re not just questioning the COVID jab, now they’re questioning all forced vaccinations, including those on the smallest, weakest, most defenseless among us: Babies.
In fact, this might blow your mind, check out how much forced vaccinations on babies has increased over the last century:
Even since 1984 it’s a dramatic increase!
Enter Bill Ackman.
Many of you may know him, but he’s a very successful American financier.
Here is a short bio: