Premature Twins Born 13 Weeks Early Make It Home in Time for Christmas
Tiny twin boys, born 13 weeks early, have overcome major health issues and made it home to celebrate Christmas with their family.
The little boys, Bailey and Lucas, weighed just 994 grams and 740 grams respectively when they were born, both less than a bag of sugar.
Parents of eight, James and Casey, were preparing to welcome their youngest sons after having lost a baby the year before. However, the couple faced a “real rollercoaster” when their twins had to be delivered over three months early.
Bailey and Lucas were diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) when they were in the womb, which can affect identical twins when they share a placenta. They had a specific variant called Twin Anaemia Polycythaemia Sequence (TAPS), meaning that blood flows unequally through the placenta, resulting in one baby having a low blood level and the other a high blood level.
Because of this diagnosis, James and Casey were referred to Mater Mothers’ Hospital in Brisbane, where they were told by the Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Dr Glenn Gardener, that the twins’ chance of survival was low.
Bailey and Lucas’ dad, James, said “it was decided that the best chance of survival for both babies was to deliver the twins prematurely by caesarean section”.
Months-long battle for survival
Casey gave birth to her boys 13 weeks early. Her tiny identical twin babies spent two weeks together in the Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU) at the hospital where they were born, before Bailey was transferred to a hospital closer to home.
“Casey drove day in and day out every day to see her boys”, James said. “I know how much she was driving because I had bought a new car to bring the twins home in – she had clocked up 15,000 km in the time they were in the NCCU”.
It would be several months before both boys could go home and they had many hurdles to overcome along the way. Bailey was intubated to assist with his breathing, and was diagnosed with polycythaemia, which means he had too many red blood cells, and a cardiac issue. Lucas was diagnosed with aortic stenosis, a disease preventing the heart valve from opening fully. Doctors had to wait for Lucas to gain enough weight before performing two life-saving heart surgeries.
“Every time they take your baby away from you it feels like an eternity”, James said.
Family reunited in time for Christmas at home
Despite these many challenges, both boys made it home in time to celebrate Christmas with their thrilled parents and family.
“The boys are home and enjoying life”, the boys’ father said. “Bailey is quickly tipping the scales at 6.7kg, and Lucas a little slower at 5.09kg, but it’s good to have everyone home together – it’s been quite a while”. “To look at them now and think where they were just a few months ago is incredible …we are eternally grateful to have them here with us on Christmas Day”.
Spokesperson for Right To Life UK, Catherine Robinson, said “This lovely story of twin boys surviving multiple medical challenges to come home for Christmas highlights the resilience of the human spirit. We’re delighted that Bailey and Lucas can celebrate Christmas with their family and wish these little fighters well”.
LifeNews Note: Republished with permission from Right to Life UK.