'One of My BIGGEST Regrets': Doctor and Obama Voter DECIMATES Both Barack and Obamacare In BRUTAL Post


Once again, we just passed the anniversary of Obamacare. A program that has stripped millions of Americans of their doctors and their healthcare plans while raising healthcare costs to a point where all care is fairly abysmal in the United States. Ultimately, the only people who benefited from his atrocity are the insurance companies and those on entitlement programs.

The rest of us, not so much.

Obama crawled out from under his bridge to celebrate the anniversary.

Post continues:

… difference – but the Affordable Care Act is a reminder that change is possible when we keep fighting for progress.

Regular folks.

Don’t mind us; we’re just rolling TF out of our eyes.

Say what you will about Biden, sure, he sucked, but Obama? Devastation. Division. Hate. Corruption. His influence on this country has been a cancer, one that we’re still trying to cure. It would be ironic if it weren’t so devastating.

Luckily, even some of Obama’s original voters and supporters have figured out what a crock of horse manure Obamacare is. Especially doctors.

Take a look at this:


Post continues:

… physicians of their autonomy, boost insurer profits & drive healthcare consolidation

End result 15 years later is a more expensive healthcare system with less competition resulting in lower quality, less efficient care for patients. 

Coverage is not care!

Louder for the morons in the back. COVERAGE IS NOT CARE!



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Las Vegas News Magazine

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