NHS Must Ask Men If They're Pregnant in Idiotic UK


The NHS in England now asks men if they are pregnant because one came in saying she was a man and was unknowingly pregnant. It’s part of the inclusivity guidance. They don’t want to offend the mentally ill, who won’t even tell medical personnel their real gender/sex.  It’s not inclusive to ignore reality and common sense. It’s insanity.

Don’t trust your health with crazy people, and these people are. The UK is so over.

The Telegraph Report in Part

NHS X-ray operators have been told to ask men if they are pregnant before conducting scans, The Telegraph can reveal.

Radiographers at multiple hospitals have been told they must check whether all patients aged 12 to 55 are pregnant, regardless of their sex, as part of inclusivity guidance.

The guidance was written after an incident in which a trans man who was unknowingly pregnant had a CT scan, and tells staff to be inclusive of transgender, non-binary and intersex patients by not making assumptions about people.

Radiographers told this publication the measures had left men storming out of appointments and women in tears because of “invasive” fertility questions. They say patients are being asked to fill out pregnancy forms stating their sex at birth, preferred name and pronouns, and read “ridiculous” statements about people who are born with variations in sex characteristics.

‘Unnecessary risk for patients’

Campaigners said the practice was “humiliating” for patients and called on NHS trusts to “return to common sense.”

One radiographer claimed a man on a two-week urgent cancer pathway “was so annoyed by the questions on the form, he shouted, he left the department and didn’t actually have a scan.”

“There is an unnecessary risk for these patients if they do get so annoyed and don’t have the scan.”

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