New Bill Introduced in 13 States Would Stop Abortion Pills That Kill Babies, Hurt Women
Students for Life Action (SFLAction) has announced a new legislation blitz against Chemical Abortion Pills across 13 states, bolstered by the successful election of pro-life champions across the nation during the 2024 election. During the primary and general election season, SFLAction engaged in 217 races and won 119 races: a 55% percent win ratio.
“Thanks to the efforts of our grassroots army of students and volunteers in the state primaries, Republican legislative caucuses are more pro-life than they were a year ago, which means the opportunity to move the needle on life-saving legislation is higher than ever,” said SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins. “With Republicans making gains in state legislative chambers across the country, including the addition of many new pro-life stalwarts that SFLAction helped elect, we are pushing harder than ever before to stop the barbarism of abortion and get pro-life legislation swiftly written into law.”
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The pro-life wins in this cycle mirror the findings in Students for Life’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement’s newly released YouGov/Survey USA Poll. As reported: “More than half — 52% (of Gen Y & Z registered voters) — said they view a legislator favorably when the official protected people and the environment from the negative impacts of abortion, with 22% saying very favorably.”
As noted in the poll’s executive summary: Chemical Abortion Pill protection efforts to protect lives, fertility, and the environment are wildly popular with younger voters, with more than 9 in 10 embracing protections.
- Ultrasound screening to save lives from ectopic pregnancy: 92% feel it’s important to have screenings before distributing the deadly pills, with 41% saying it/s extremely important
- Blood testing to protect fertility: 92% support this protection with 39% saying it’s extremely important
- Studies on the potential environmental impact of waste and drugs related to abortion: 90% support conducting such testing, with 32% saying it’s extremely important
- Red Bag Medical Waste disposal to protect the environment: 90% support this addition to the health and safety standards, with 33% saying it’s extremely important
- In person care/screening to protect from abusers getting the pills without women’s knowledge or consent: 66% support this common-sense protection
The most prominent method abortion in America is Chemical Abortion Pills, used to commit more than 6 in 10 abortions, according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. That means beyond the millions of preborn babies who will be lost to these drugs, millions of women are currently exposed to injury, infertility, death, and abusers.
Additionally, these drugs contain dangerous endocrine disruptors, which are making their way into America’s waterways through human remains, despite EPA warnings not to flush drugs, chemicals, and even goldfish. Hospitals dispose of placentas carefully as medical waste, and brick-and-mortar abortion vendors are supposed to follow state laws with human remains.
As such, the legislation to target Chemical Abortion Pills will need to address these specific and distinct challenges head on.
In Wyoming last week, legislators held a first hearing on this innovative effort.
SFLAction will work alongside state legislators to introduce Wastewater Legislation, designed to protect water ways and food supply from the pollutants in these drugs.
States at play include:
- Idaho – Sen. Josh Kohl
- Wyoming – Rep. John Bear
- West Virginia – Sen. Patricia Rucker
- Maine – Rep. Reagan Paul
- Arizona – Rep. Rachel Keshel
Meanwhile, states that have already ended abortion – or, in the case of South Carolina, are seeking to end abortion this session – will need to curtail the flow of these lethal drugs across their state lines using Chemical Abortion Pill trafficking legislation.
States at play include:
- Kentucky – Rep. TJ Roberts
- Mississippi – Rep. Dan Eubanks
- Arkansas – Rep. Wayne Long
- Idaho — Rep. Rob Beiswenger
- Iowa — Rep. Jeff Shipley
- Wyoming – Rep. John Bear
- Oklahoma – Rep. Denise Crosswhite Hader, Sen. David Bullard
- West Virginia – Rep. Chris Anders
To make Chemical Abortion Pills illegal and cease their distribution, several states can look to the example of Wyoming, which passed our Chemical abortion Prevention bill in 2023.
States at play include:
- Michigan – Rep. Steve Carra
- Iowa – Rep. Jeffrey Shipley
- Indiana – Sen. Mike Young
- Arizona – Rep. Rachel Kershel
Lastly, states can classify these Chemical Abortion Pills as a controlled substance, like Louisiana did. These laws require doctors to work with women and put their own reputations on the line to suggest abortion. Likewise, women will now have the time they need to carefully consider and think over the irreversible and devastating decision to abort their preborn child. Stay tuned for news of states considering this strategy.
SFLAction recently released its recommendations for executive actions that the President-elect Trump can take in his first 100 days against Chemical Abortion Pills and the influence of the abortion industry in Washington D.C.