Kamala Harris Should Stop Exploiting Deaths of Women From Abortions


Kamala Harris’ border town photo op today in Arizona cannot cover for her blatant dishonest attempt to push a radical abortion agenda both here in Arizona and nationwide.

Harris shamelessly exploited the tragic death of Amber Thurman, a young mother from Georgia who died following a chemical abortion. Harris falsely blamed Amber’s death on the state’s abortion laws.

Yet, the truth is it was not the law, but the abortion pill that posed a deadly risk to Amber. Her untreated infection reveals the dangers of the abortion pill and the critical need for ultrasounds to detect incomplete chemical abortions. A safeguard even Prop 139’s attorney admits will be eliminated if the extreme abortion amendment passes in Arizona.

Georgia’s abortion laws had nothing to do with her death. In fact, those laws explicitly require medical intervention when a mother’s life is at risk. This tragedy was preventable, and Harris should tell the truth about the real cause: a lack of medical oversight, the unchecked expansion of chemical abortions, and an outright disinformation campaign waged by her and the abortion industry.

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The Vice President’s willingness to go further and vow to abolish the US Senate filibuster specifically to expand abortion far beyond Roe shows a complete disregard for the constitutional order and an insatiable appetite for unlimited abortion.

By eliminating the filibuster, Harris would bulldoze through her pro-abortion agenda, stripping states like Arizona of the right to protect our most vulnerable at any stage.

The filibuster exists to prevent exactly this kind of overreach, and even members of her own party are opposed to her dangerous plans. Both Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin balked — Manchin even shamed her for the power grab.

Harris should tell the truth and stop twisting facts to suit her radical abortion agenda.

LifeNews Note: Cathi Herrod is Presdient of Center for Arizona Policy Action.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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