HILARIOUS: Kamala Harris Now Claiming She Was “Sleep Deprived” When She Selected Tim Walz For VP | JP


As the Harris/Walz campaign implodes less than 10 days before the Election, the finger-pointing has already started to emerge.

It’s just like in sports, winning fixes everything….you could have a toxic locker room but if the team is winning, the ship holds together.

As soon as the losses start to mount, the infighting begins.

To put it in terms Tampon Tim from Minnesota might understand, Randy Moss is funny mooning the crowd as long as he’s scoring touchdowns.  When the winning stops, Randy Moss becomes a locker room cancer.

And so it is with the Harris/Walz campaign…

Who would have thought selecting a creep who hates America and bounces around the stage awkwardly kicking his leg out all the time would have been a bad choice?

Oh.  All of us.

Except Kamala Harris, who now appears to be admitting it was a big mistake.

Here is what the New York Post reports:

Vice President Kamala Harris revealed Monday that she suffered from insomnia after President Biden endorsed her as his successor — and that she was sleep-deprived the morning she picked her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Harris, 59, told “All The Smoke” hosts Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson that she made her “gut” decision to select Walz after being unable to sleep much the night before, waking up early that Tuesday in Washington and using cooking to calm her mind.

“From the time that the president called me and told me he wasn’t running, I mean, it’s just like everything was in speedy, speedy motion, and I was not sleeping so well,” Harris told the basketball stars, who both played for the Harris-supported Golden State Warriors.

“And that one morning I just, I mean, I had, I don’t know, a few hours’ sleep — and I, you know, I like to sleep. I just got up,” she said. “I was like — so I just went out and got a pork roast and started marinating it.”

“And my family were all going to be in town, so they were very happy about the whole situation, but I just got up and started — everybody’s asleep, I just got up and started cooking,” she rambled on.

This woman has horrible judgment….

But let’s make one thing clear.

They’re not losing only because of Tim Walz.

Sure, he doesn’t help….but they’re losing because the more America learns about both of these vile human beings, the more it becomes repulsed by them!

Color me shocked: America does not want a cackling airhead as President or a man who’s wife said she loved the smell of Minnesota burning down in 2020 as VP.

These people are weird!

Serious Question: Why Does Tim Walz Lift His Leg Out Like This?

Serious Question: Why Does Tim Walz Lift His Leg Out Like This?

I can’t believe I am writing an article about this, but the Democrats are SO weird that they’ve forced me to do it.

So let’s talk about it….

Let’s talk about Tim Walz and that really strange thing he does where he’s constantly lifting his leg out in front of him.

It’s extremely bizarre!

The hands go up and the leg goes out in front and he raises it up like he’s doing leg-lifts in a gym or something.

Have you ever seen a human adult do this?

I honestly can’t say I have.

What in the Hell is this?

Dogs do it, but that’s more lifting the leg out to the side to pee.  At least they have a reason!

Why in the world would a grown man need to keep lifting his leg up in front of himself?

In case you haven’t seen it (I wouldn’t blame you for never watching him speak) or just haven’t noticed, here’s what it looks like:

Here’s video:

And no, it’s not like it’s happened once or twice.

He does it ALL. THE. TIME!

Hands up, leg out:

What are we calling it?

The Leg Lift?

The Leg Kick?

Knee Hike?

The form appears to be a straight leg out and up, no bend in the leg if you want to do the move correctly.

Arms straight up, I can only assume for balance?

More here:

And here:

Many are calling it his “cheerleader move” but that’s just giving me images in my head I don’t need:

Others point out he seems to be “playing a character”…..the character of the dopey, bumbling Sitcom TV loser dad:

How embarrassing!

But I will say this….I appreciate the leg lift MUCH MORE when it’s done with pants, a button down shirt and a belt.

Because this….is not a good look:

I found this one hilarious….

This guy says he has the same energy as Richard Simmons and once you see it you can’t unsee it:

Simmons, of course, was famously gay.

And many rumors persist about Walz giving off extreme gay vibes.

What do you think?

This one cracked me up: I’ve seen a horse lift its leg like this, but number a human male!

Others are comparing the creep factor to the “Dean Scream”.

At least the Dean Scream ended his run.


Will the Walz Leg Lift eventually end his chances?

Is this why the Far-Left talking points a few weeks ago were to call JD Vance “weird”?

Remember that?

Did they know they had the UBER weirdo coming up next for Kamala’s VP so they figured they would just use the word first and try to flip it?

I think so.

Check this out:

Trump Team Launches “SAVAGE” Ad Against “Weird” Tim Walz

The oldest trick in the Democrat playbook is to accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.

Remember when the Biden Family had sweetheart deals in Russia, Ukraine and China?

What did we hear for 4 years before that news came out?

Trump RussiaGate.

It’s the same playbook every time.

And this time, what did we suddenly start hearing echoed from the Far-Left talking points?

“Trump and Vance are weird.”

Never mind that it doesn’t really make sense at all, Trump and Vance are strong, clear-thinking, masculine, red-blooded Americans.  Which, as I type this, probably IS weird to a Far-Left progressive.

But it finally just dawned on me why we suddenly saw that narrative being pushed hard by the Legacy Media and paid DNC shills online — because they know Kamala is truly strange and they knew she was going to pick an even stranger VP.

So roll out the playbook and call your enemy “weird” before they can use it on you.

Unfortunately, it’s not working.

And this ad just went live and is going viral.

It’s very well done, take a look:

Full video player here:

Las Vegas News Magazine

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