Happy Pride Everyone! Rep. Extreme Hakeem Jeffries Launches Pride Month with Anti-Trump Screed


Oh, they just can’t help themselves, can they.

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, leader of the House Democrats, decided to get up bright and early on the first day of LGBTQ Pride month to … you guessed it, rant about Trump.

They finally managed to convict Trump of something, 34 somethings, and they STILL aren’t happy. Each day for a Democrat appears to be an opportunity to share their hatred of Trump with the world, again.

Really, the more Extreme Hakeem and his pals exploit this moment to increase attacks on their political enemies, the more support Trump is getting.


The hypocrisy could not be more obscene.

Democrats always accuse Republicans of what they’ve been doing all along.

It’s true, he did.

Oh, no, no, no, the Democrats don’t want to calm things down. They want to RAISE the temperature as high as it can go. They are desperate for another J6 to get them through the next election.


Even during the Left’s favorite time of the year, they can’t enjoy themselves because of their obsession with Trump. Day after day all they do is rant and whine and mock and rage against Trump. They have nothing else. No other purpose in life.

Not even the crayon box vomit flag can being them joy this year.

Happy Pride everyone!

Las Vegas News Magazine

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