Don’t panic – those mystery drones over New Jersey might not be so mysterious after all
When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail; when you’re a drone spotter, everything looks like a drone.
As someone who’s flown more than a few drones in his lifetime and sometimes carries a foldable one in his pocket during weekend hikes so he can randomly pull it out and fly it over hills, lakes, homes, and trees, I’m a bit of a drone watcher; not to be confused with a bird watcher (I’m that, too), who keeps his eyes and ears open for the aviary kind. Come to think of it, drone spotting is a bit like that, too. Usually, I hear the high-pitched buzz, and then I cast about, scanning the skies for the tell-tale movement (hover, sprint, hover, zig-zag) and spinning rotors of a consumer-grade drone.