Doctor Saves Another Baby From Abortion Through Abortion Pill Reversal


Indisputable evidence persists in speaking for the success of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) as the lives of children are continually spared through this life-saving protocol. Despite pro-abortion opposition to providing mothers a second chance to choose life with APR and foes of the treatment peddling misinformation about its effectiveness, lives continue to be saved through Abortion Pill Reversal on a daily basis.

One such life saved recently was in the United Kingdom as a mother experiencing regret from her chemical abortion wanted a second chance at life for her child, called the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, and was connected to a physician to begin reversal treatment. In July, this mother delivered a healthy baby boy.

Dr. Dermot Kearney rose once again to the occasion, helping this mother in her time of need by prescribing progesterone, the hormone needed to sustain a pregnancy. In a chemical abortion, progesterone is blocked by mifepristone, the first of two drugs in the regimen. By giving the mother the extra progesterone, the hope is to outcompete and reverse the effects of the mifepristone.

More than 62 lives have been saved in the UK through Dr. Kearney’s application of the APR protocol and he continues to be available to mothers seeking this second chance to choose life.

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When asked why he believes mothers deserve a second chance at life for their child – the choice to try, he shared:

“Everyone makes mistakes. We all do things we later regret and wish we could turn back the clock. Many mothers who initially chose drug-induced abortion are coerced by others into making that choice and regret the decision to abort afterwards. Many others are in difficult situations and make panic decisions without considering all of the consequences. Many are misled and misinformed about what the abortion entails but quickly realize that they have made a terrible decision and want to try to save their babies. There are so many different reasons why mothers deserve to have a second chance to choose life if it can be offered to them.”

Dr. Kearney with one of the moms he assisted with APR and her baby/Christian Concern

Still, offering help to mothers who want to save the life of their baby hasn’t always been a smooth or easy path for Dr. Kearney.

Three years ago, UK medical professionals like Dr. Kearney were quite unbelievably prohibited from saving lives, even as women were pleading for their help with obtaining the reversal treatment. Abortion supporters leveled fictitious charges against Dr. Kearney concerning his treatment of patients who’d begun a chemical abortion and experienced regret.

In early 2022, the false charges aimed at Dr. Kearney were dropped and he was able to resume offering the life-saving treatment of Abortion Pill Reversal to UK mothers requesting this help.

It seemed to have surprised those forces in the UK opposed to providing women this choice that medical professionals offering APR would stand their ground and not give up.

“The opposition, certainly in our case, did not expect that we would be prepared for a battle,” Dr. Kearney said. “It was expected that we would give in and that the issue of APR in the UK would quietly disappear. When we stood firm and refused to back down, it quickly became evident that there was no substance to the false allegations that had been made against us.”

When asked about Dr. Kearney’s experiences as a physician offering the Abortion Pill Reversal treatment, Christa Brown, senior director of Medical Impact at Heartbeat International, shared:

“He has stood strong in the face of much unjust persecution. He boldly says he was the first physician ever to be restricted from saving lives. Yet he holds fast to the conviction that women deserve the right to continue their pregnancies and should not be forced to complete an abortion they do not want.”

Dr. Kearney has been steadfast in offering hope and help to the women in the UK.

“Participating in the abortion pill reversal service has been the most rewarding aspect of medical practice that I have experienced over a 35-year medical career,” Dr. Kearney stated as he reflected on the opportunity as a medical doctor to grant mothers this second chance.

“The depth of gratitude that I and others involved in APR have received from mothers, and some fathers who have availed of the APR service, has been incredible,” he added.

Dr. Kearney celebrated surpassing 62 lives saved from the grip of abortion with the birth of a baby boy in July, and he has several more APR mothers approaching their due dates soon.

Dr. Dermot Kearney with two babies he helped to save with APR/Christian Concern

Many mothers and fathers reach out to express their gratitude for the help and support they received in trying to save the life of their baby.

Kearney receives such messages often.

“The depth of gratitude that I and others involved in APR have received from mothers and fathers who have availed of the APR services has been incredible,” he said.

“This even applies to cases where the rescue treatment has been tried but has been unsuccessful,” said Dr. Kearney. “Mothers are so grateful that somebody has tried to help them, usually after they have been turned away by other professionals and told that nothing can be done. They really appreciate the level of support they receive from the first contact with the APR medical professional that continues throughout the pregnancy and after the birth of their babies.”

“It is truly a compassionate service is the fullest sense of the word,” he said.

These are the times when we all must decide if we will do what is right, even though no one else is doing so. Doing what is right is not easy and requires bravery, courage, and faith in our Lord, just as Dr. Kearney has lived out as an example for other medical professionals.

“Facing the opposition that we have faced in providing such an important life-saving service confirms for me that what we are doing is right,” he said.

“This is largely a spiritual battle and doing good will always bring trials and tribulations when it is spiritual,” said Dr. Kearney. “If we didn’t face hardships and opposition, we should really question whether what we are doing is right or not.”

“This is an important message,” he added, “that we should face evil in all circumstances with courage, wisdom, patience, humility, truth and love.”

Medical professional interested in being a part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network and offering the lifesaving Abortion Pill Reversal treatment can learn more by visiting or by emailing [email protected].

LifeNews Note: Grace Porto writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

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