CIA Publicly Denies Failed Trump Assassin Was an 'MKUltra' Asset


The CIA has taken time to issue a statement denying that Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was part of an infamous agency mind control program.

Crooks’ background is murky, to say the least. He has a virtually non-existent social media footprint, apart from a few posts on the social media Platform Gab and some messages on a gaming site.

The whereabouts and activities of crooks on the day of the shooting remain unanswered, so it’s no surprise that speculation is mounting about whether he was some patsy to the forces that want to get rid of Donald Trump.

Many users across various social media platforms speculated Crooks may have been “MKUltra’d,” referring to a mind control experiment conducted by the CIA between 1953 and 1973, where psychoactive drugs and sensory experiments were used to control behavior.

“What if US President Joe Biden’s ‘mean tweets’ triggered Thomas Matthew Crooks?” one X account tweeted a couple days after the shooting.

“Yes like an #MKUltra test subject. I dont want to go into conspiracy theories here but the CIA did mind control experiments like the #ManchurianCandidate. Wait for the trigger before acting.”

The CIA responded to the accusations, telling Gizmodo, “These claims are utterly false, absurd, and damaging.”

The statement adds, “The CIA had no relationship whatsoever with Thomas Crooks.”

It goes on to state that “Regarding MKULTRA, the CIA’s program was shut down more than 40 years ago, and declassified information about the program is publicly available on”

The CIA’s denial was first reported by Wired, suggesting the agency is perhaps now more willing to engage with the public about its shady mind program.

Many users on X responded to the CIA’s denial by arguing that people should believe the exact opposite of the agency’s claims.

READ: ‘MK-Ultra’ Mind Control Survivor Launches ‘Anti-Child Sex Trafficking’ Initiative

Las Vegas News Magazine

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