Chris Christie Praises Jefferson Davis In Bizarre Anti-Trump Meltdown on The View
Last Updated on January 3, 2024
Former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie praised the late Confederate president Jefferson Davis in a bizarre rant against President Donald Trump on The View. Christie also said that he supports the criminal prosecution of Trump, which is widely seen as a corrupt witch-hunt against Trump.
Christie made his pro-Davis remark in a rant involving whether or not President Trump should be removed from ballots. Christie said it’s “bad politically” to keep him off the ballots, while Christie agreed with one of the lady hosts who called Trump a “snowflake.”
“It was never tested because Jefferson Davis, if you can imagine saying this, the presidency of the Confederacy, had some class and decided never to run for office in the United States again,” Chris Christie said.
Christie has a lot of bile for President Trump.
“Give DeSantis credit for this. He said he would not take vice president under Trump under any circumstances. I’ve said I wouldn’t take vice president under Trump. Nikki Haley won’t say it. And I talked to a politician in South Carolina this weekend who knows her really well. And I said, Am I reading this wrong? And he said to me, ‘Governor, she would eat glass to get the vice presidential nomination under Trump.’ That’s how ambitious she is,” Christie said.