CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?


CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Hidden deep within the Gospel of Yuval Harari is the question “Do children belong to their parents or to the state?” Harari’s position clearly favors the state, because the “intelligent design” he describes is an arm of the state body politic. To repeat what he said at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos on January 24, 2020:

In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us godlike abilities to reengineer life, and even to create completely new life-forms. After four billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design.

Harari’s “evolutionary” biology sees human beings as hackable animals whose future will be shaped by artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and the reengineering of life into new life-forms. The new life-forms Harari refers to are transhumanist beings totally controlled by the globalist elite—the “intelligent designers.”

To “transcend” means to go beyond the range or limits of something. Transhuman means going beyond the current limits of being human and acquiring the powers and abilities of an enhanced human being in what the World Economic Forum calls “Humanity 2.0″—the stated goal of “intelligent design.” Harari’s narrative is grooming your children for Humanity 2.0.

To understand the insidious plan to move humanity from Humanity 1.0 to Humanity 2.0, it is necessary to examine the tactical shift away from meritocracy—the traditional metric of achievement foundational to American life, progress, and success.

In a society that eliminates meritocracy by shifting its metrics from achievement to feelings, whose feelings actually matter? What is the political purpose of the shift?

Competence is the mother of self-esteem. We know this is true by simply observing the delight of young children as they learn to dress themselves, feed themselves, or sound out their first words and realize they can read! Each achievement increases the child’s competence and enhances his developing sense of self. Achievement makes little Johnny feel proud of himself and good about himself. Let’s consider what incentivizes competence and achievement, and what doesn’t. Let’s also consider the motivations for either incentivizing or discouraging competence.

If you want to know the motive, look at the result. What made America great was having its cultural roots in meritocracy. Our society awarded achievement with upward mobility. It was called the American Dream, and America was the land where American dreams came true. In every sector of society, little Johnny was encouraged to become an independent, autonomous, rational adult, capable of living a life of ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. In other words, little Johnny was encouraged to grow up and perpetuate the American Dream.

Each of little Johnny’s achievements was rewarded with praise. As he grew older, he earned grades in school that marked his achievements. Then he competed in sports with friends, and games with family. His grades were awarded with certificates of achievement or advanced placement. His sports achievements were awarded with trophies, and his wins in family games were rewarded with admiration.

The competitions all served to incentivize achievement. As an adult, Johnny competed for jobs and advancement. Winning and losing were part of everybody’s private and public life. Meritocracy was society’s infrastructure, rooted in achievement. Those who lost were encouraged to try harder, work harder, study more, and try again.

The association between individual achievement and self-esteem was unmistakable. Winning and losing were part of America’s infrastructure that anyone and everyone could identify with. Individual and team play were instrumental in teaching the valuable lessons of cooperation and teamwork. This is no small thing. Whether in a classroom, on a baseball field, or in an orchestra hall, competition encourages both individual and team competence, cooperation, and achievement.

In the 1970s, ABC’s Wide World of Sports announcer Jim McKay immortalized the words “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” His words described the drama caught on televised sports, but they also apply to the everyday lives of everyday people, describing how it feels to win and how it feels to lose. In the past, American culture supported a can-do spirit of encouragement, an ethos that insisted the agony of defeat need not triumph: anyone and everyone could experience the thrill of victory through hard work and practice. It was the same ethos that made America the greatest, freest, wealthiest nation on Earth.

But we are a world at war, whether people acknowledge it or not—a war between globalism and the nation-state. The globalist war on the nation-state is a multifaceted culture war, fought without bullets, that targets the world’s children. In an unconscionable humanitarian hoax, the globalist social engineers advanced the deceitful narrative that little Johnny’s feelings must always be protected.

To remind the reader, a humanitarian hoax is the deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. America’s humanitarian hucksters, under the guidance of the globalist social engineers, simply eliminated competition in order to “protect” little Johnny’s feelings. No winning. No losing. No grades. No competition. No incentive for achievement. No competence. No self-esteem. No thrill of victory. Participation trophies do not incentivize achievement; they just blur the boundary between trying and doing.

Eliminating competition does not protect little Johnny from hurt feelings, or save big Johnny from the agony of defeat. Eliminating competition just disincentivizes his achievements and robs him of self-esteem. It produces a society of incompetent, dependent, childlike, fragile citizens who are very easy to manipulate and control—precisely the goal of a caretaker government.

We are born without the ability to survive on our own, entirely dependent upon our caretakers to teach us the necessary survival skills to live in society. Today, a battle is being fought in America over who are the rightful caretakers of our nation’s children.

Historically, it was the parents who had the responsibility to protect their children and prepare them for life in our constitutional republic. Increasingly, the caretakers in America are no longer the parents, because the traditional family of stay-at-home Mom and working Dad is no longer the norm. Non-traditional families are reliant on daycare, preschools, babysitters, and after-school programs to provide child care and instruction for America’s children.

Since 1979, when Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education, the government began taking an increasingly active role in children’s education. Today, the National Education Association (NEA),[i] the largest professional-employee organization in America, with over 3 million members, is a major political player. Ninety-seven percent of its millions of dollars in donations from membership dues go to Democrat and liberal political candidates. The politicization of American education is funded by labor unions as well as federal and state funding. A stunning March 31, 2023, article by journalist and political analyst Daniel Greenfield, “Whose Children? Our Children,”[ii] asserts:

The shift from the single-income family to the two-income family with preschool encompassing children as young as 18 months and then to an ever more intensive chain of state educational institutions happened gradually enough that most parents thought it was their own idea. But what the Soviet Union and Communist China had failed to accomplish, happened in America.

Children, from even before they could talk, were being raised either directly by the state or by the institutions that it closely regulated. The unintended consequences of that, emotional fragility, a lack of healthy models for interpersonal relationships, and an obsession with ‘snitching’ on others that persists well into adulthood, were only the collateral damage….

Such children raised by the state become adults who want the state to go on raising them. When they’re hungry, the state feeds them, when they’re cold, the state shelters them and when they’re unhappy, the state tells them whom to blame. When their relationships fall apart or when their feelings are hurt, they turn to the state to soothe them with a dose of revenge.

The infantilization of America is a leftist/globalist weapon of mass destruction. The American Dream has been replaced by regressive dreams for eternal childhood. The old Soviet Union and today’s Communist China share the collectivist ideology that prioritizes the state above the individual, so what is good for the state is good for the individual. America has increasingly adopted communism’s collectivist “ethic” and its self-destructive Marxist messaging, most evident in politicized education and medicine.

The battle over who is the rightful caretaker of America’s children is a battle over ideologies. The Biden-Obama-Harris regime has eliminated meritocracy and stopped incentivizing competence, competition, achievement, success, independence, upward mobility, and the thrill of victory to obtain the American Dream. Instead, the regime incentivizes eternal childhood, incompetence, and lifelong dependence upon the government. The objective is to destabilize and destroy America’s infrastructure of family, seen as a competing ideology, and collapse the country internally. Remember, in order to “build back better,” one must first destroy what exists.

Substituting compliance for competence is collapsing America from within. So, in the end, Johnny’s feelings don’t matter at all. Little Johnny is the target of the duplicity, being groomed to become a permanently dependent, unthinking, unproductive drone for the globalist elite—a worker bee. In a world obsessed with feelings, the only people whose feelings actually matter are the globalist elite.


[i]  National Education Association;

[ii]  Whose Children? Our Children;

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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