Candi Miller Died From the Abortion Pill, Not From an Abortion Ban


Candi Miller, a 41-year-old mother of three children, learned she was pregnant in the fall of 2022. Candi had several health conditions (high blood pressure, lupus, and diabetes) that needed to be carefully managed by a qualified obstetrician throughout her pregnancy.

Unfortunately, Candi reportedly fell prey to fear and trusted a website that provides mail-order abortion pills instead. In 2022, when Candi ordered the drugs from Aid Access, the international organization was using an unregulated distributor in India to ship the pills. It wasn’t until a year later that the organization began utilizing “shield laws” in democratic-led, U.S. states that protect providers who illegally mail the pills to abortion-free states.

Aid Access started utilizing this loophole in 2023 to mail the dangerous drugs to residents in all 50 states in the U.S. – regardless of state laws that protect unborn babies.

“These drugs are dangerous enough when taken according to protocol,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, “with a complication rate four times higher than surgical abortions.”

Since 2016, the FDA has recklessly removed more and more safeguards designed to minimize risks to women. And then these defiant ‘shield laws’ are used to protect residents from punishment when they knowingly, willfully commit felony offenses in states that protect unborn children.

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“This is the definition of lawlessness,” said Newman. “In the end, innocent babies, and moms like Candi Williams – and her family – pay the price. Our hearts go out to them.”

Again, the media is attempting to blame this tragic, completely preventable death on Georgia’s heartbeat law. ProPublica, the propaganda machine that published the information about Candi’s death, stated she “ordered abortion pills online, but she did not expel all the fetal tissue and would need a dilation and curettage procedure to clear it from her uterus and stave off sepsis, a grave and painful infection. In many states, this care, known as a D&C, is routine for both abortions and miscarriages.”

Those statements are correct. However, the author went on to claim that Georgia had made the D&C procedure a felony offense. This is blatantly false.

According to the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ab

ortion “is the purposeful killing of the unborn in the termination of a pregnancy.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines induced abortion as an “intervention to end a pregnancy so that it does not result in a live birth” (emphasis added).

The first of the two drugs used for a chemical abortion, mifepristone, kills the child, and the second drug, misoprostol, expels the child. The process of removing an already dead, unborn child, which would have been the case in Candi’s situation, is not an abortion – and is not illegal in Georgia or any other state. The Charlotte Lozier Institute provides clarification concerning emergency care for pregnant women in pro-life states.

Three children lost their mom because of Aid Access recklessly sending mail-order pills to Candi’s address in Georgia – without verifying her pregnancy, without ruling out risk factors or advanced gestational age. As irresponsible as the FDA has become, it still does not recommend a chemical abortion be performed beyond 10 weeks gestation.

Candi’s family stated they did not know how far along she was in her pregnancy. They also said the pain she endured was excruciating – so much so that she resorted to a dangerous combination of drugs: fentanyl, along with extremely high doses of diphenhydramine and acetaminophen.

Newman added, “Candi’s fears that caused her to isolate herself from healthcare providers and trust dangerous mail-order abortion pills can likely be attributed to lies continually told by people like Vice President Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and the abortion cartel about the effects of pro-life laws. Now they are using this terrible tragedy to spread more of the same. Meanwhile, we grieve that Candi’s name is added to our long list of maternal abortion deaths.”

LifeNews Note: Anne Reed, is Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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