Bill Maher Collapses Under Megyn Kelly's Arguments


Bill Maher invited Megyn Kelly onto his HBO show to discuss the 2024 presidential election. Maher quoted one of the latest buzzwords against Trump, calling Donald Trump a fascist. Hitler is the other term Democrats love.

Labeling Trump “Hitler” and “fascist” are the latest desperate attempts to help Harris win an election she has not earned. They do it every time a Republican wins.

Here are some excerpts from The Washington Examiner’s summary of the issue:

Goldwater, who served as a pilot during World War II, was likened to Nazis and fascists for promoting conservatism during his presidential campaign. The then-Democratic governor of California, Edmund Gerland “Pat” Brown, remarked about Goldwater’s acceptance speech, claiming it “had the stench of fascism.

Nixon was called Hitler also. In 1970, a political poster featured an image of Adolf Hitler, wearing a Nazi armband, holding a mask of Nixon.

Ford didn’t escape. In 1974, a member of the American Civil Liberties Union criticized Ford for his lack of punitive action against Nixon.

“If [President] Ford’s principle had been the rule in Nuremberg,” he said, “the Nazi leaders would have been let off, and only the people, who carried out their schemes, would have been tried,” the ACLU said at the time.

Former President Ronald Reagan was the next target in the Democrats’ line of unsubstantiated accusations of fascism.

Rep. William Clay (D-MO) stated that Reagan wanted to “replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.”

Former President George W. Bush might have been the Republican politician who faced the harshest and most vile criticism before Trump. Bush was regularly called every dirty name in the book, from racist to Nazi to fascist to war criminal. There are many examples of linking Bush to Hitler, Nazis, and fascists. [They also pictured him as a monkey on a regular basis.]

In 2012, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) was also linked to Nazis and fascism. One delegate from Kansas (at the time) said Romney was a habitual liar and likened him to Hitler “while criticizing the accuracy of Romney’s campaign talking points.”

Sixty years of Hell with nasty Democrats.

Kelly’s response was priceless.
There is little or no defense for transitioning children.
Maher’s illegal immigrant defense is indefensible.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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