American Psy Op: President Kamala Harris


Two weeks ago, our figurehead bumbler, Joe Biden, resigned, and Kamala was installed without a single vote and an extraordinary level of unpopularity behind her. DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said, “Our party has met this unprecedented moment with a transparent, democratic, and orderly process to unite behind a nominee with a proven record, blah, blah, blah.” Kamala didn’t go through a primary and was picked by backroom bosses.

The biggest psy op yet from the US administration and her party is the newly rehabbed Kamala Harris. She’s an arrogant, phony, narcissistic blank slate who people dislike in large numbers. Yet, they are allegedly making her into a phenom, Kamala of Kamalot.

Here, she is talking about her build-back better program as inflation continues to hit the poor and middle class hardest:

Making her into a president after she slithered her way through every job will mean everyone has to be on board, especially the subservient media. She’s a big failure as Vice President, so why not install her as president?

Kamala is avoiding the press, and when she does speak, it’s from prepared notes, and no questions are allowed.

The polls are allegedly showing her soaring, and it’s not believable. However, it will back up her win when they cheat her way into the White House. Our only hope is for EVERYONE to come out and vote for Donald Trump.

Can you really see her going up against Xi or Vlad?

Kamala has continually risen past the level of her incompetence, and she’s still going. She’s being Peter Principled into the White House.
The media is all in and pimping for her. That’s to make her win in November look plausible after they cheat.
The New York Times is looking to win some more awards.
Salty Goat has a good name for Obamala also:
Marxist President Kamala, in her own words:

Las Vegas News Magazine

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