Abortion Bans are Saving Babies, Not Denying Women Health Care


The Texas Alliance for Life has responded to what it describes as disinformation about pro-life laws presented at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

The organization stated that the DNC was dominated by misleading and false claims about “reproductive freedom,” with numerous speakers, including Vice President Harris, promoting disinformation.

“What they’re promoting is far from freedom,” Texas Alliance for Life stated. “[I]t’s the most radical push for abortion on demand that we’ve ever seen at the expense of unborn babies’ lives.”

According to the pro-life organization, the DNC was marked by claims that pro-life laws are harming women by denying life-saving care, with a particular emphasis on the case of Amanda Zurawski.

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Zurawski’s story, shared by the DNC, recounts how, at 18 weeks pregnant, her water broke. Zurawski was told that her life was at risk but the baby was still alive. She was instructed to wait for an abortion until the baby either died or she showed signs of severe infection. Her doctor’s delay in treatment caused Zurawski to develop sepsis, putting her life in great danger.

According to Texas Alliance for Life, Zurawki’s story has been “misrepresented” for over a year, and it is widely and incorrectly believed that Zurawski’s life was at risk because of abortion restrictions. Texas Alliance for Life clarified that Texas law permits immediate abortions to protect a woman’s life and the delay in Zurawski’s case was a result of medical mismanagement rather than legal restrictions.

The Supreme Court unanimously affirmed in Zurawski v. Texas that while the Human Life Protection Act protects unborn babies from conception, it also allows abortions to save a woman’s life or “major bodily function,” even if the mother’s death is not imminent.

This practice of intentional misinformation, according to Texas Alliance for Life, “is nothing new to Amanda, her husband, the Democratic National Committee, and the Harris campaign.”

“It is despicable that they would misrepresent Texas law to advance Harris’ agenda of unlimited abortion, not just for the life-of-the-mother reasons but for elective reasons on demand up to birth paid for by our taxes,” Texas Alliance for Life concluded.

LifeNews Note: Rachel Quackenbush writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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