READ THE ROOM: Even in a Crisis, the LA Times Makes Sure Its Evacuation Advice Remains Stupidly Woke


The Left are going to bitterly cling to DEI, it seems. Having learned nothing from the November elections and the shifting cultural tides, they are going to keep forcing their woke insanity on an increasingly fed-up populace until they drive themselves out of politics and the media.

We’re okay with that, mind you. But you’d think in the interest of self-preservation they’d dial it down just a bit.

But they’re not.

Like the L.A. Times, who decided the middle of a massive wildfire is exactly when they need to keep playing the trans-friendly language card:

WOMEN. The word is WOMEN.

There are no ‘pregnant people.’ There are only pregnant WOMEN.

Remember this when the media lecture us on ‘misinformation.’

This writer NEEDS that coffee mug.

Exactly why.



And the media will spend the next four years screaming about Trump’s lies.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

This is the erasure of women.

This writer’s personal favorite slur is ‘egg producers’, courtesy Richard Levine, current Assistant Secretary of HHS.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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