Latest UK data reveals Record Breaking 5000 DEAD Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises in just 5 years – Offshore wind projects implicated


In 2023, more than 1000 whales, dolphins and porpoises died around the UK’s coastline.

This brings the five year total to more than 5000.

The UK’s 2023 annual report to Ascobansreveals an appalling level of cetacean deaths in British seas, and comes in the wake of record-breaking increases in whale, dolphin and porpoise mortality in recent years.

This shocking statistic should be a wake-up call to those planning to further industrialise our seas in the name of renewable energy, and especially offshore wind farms…

Evidence suggests that artificial noise in the marine environment, including infrasound and low frequency noise emanating from wind farms, poses a real danger to marine mammals and the wider ecosystem. Knowing this, and factoring in the many other causes of noise in our seas, it makes no sense to actively seek to increase ocean noise to levels that are literally unbearable for marine mammals.

Yet, the UK and many other countries have hugely ambitious plans to build many more enormous offshore wind farms, affecting vast swathes of marine habitat and ecologically sensitive areas.

Noise thresholds at risk of being breached

It’s not as though the authorities are ignorant of the risks — behind closed doors they acknowledge there’s a problem with increasing noise in the marine environment. The UK’s Ascobans report references the Joint Nature Conservation Committee’s Marine Noise Registry (MNR), which points to the example of Harbour porpoise SPAs (Special Areas of Conservation); in these areas there is concern that daily and seasonal noise thresholds are increasingly at risk of being breached. The report also says that, “based on the number of coastal and offshore developments, including OWFs [offshore wind farms], we anticipate there being an increase in noise disturbance for all cetacean species in coming years. Similarly, we anticipate an increase in the number of seismic and geophysical surveys for the additional oil and gas exploration, and novel sector of carbon capture and storage.

‘Saving the planet’? Or just the stupidity of humankind…?

Governments around the world are pushing forward with their highly questionable plans to ‘save the planet’, chasing net zero targets, regardless of the death and destruction they might be causing in the process.
It’s madness. Pursue this lunacy and we will have a planet deplete of nature and wildlife, a final testament to the ultimate stupidity of humankind.

Of course, humankind won’t be here either, perishing — as we surely will — along with the rest of nature, proving definitively that we too are a part of the ecosystem, a fact that is forgotten by many, as the human race descends into chaos.

Questionable morality

In spite of those seeking to downplay the problem, including those who deny that wind farms are killing whales, the evidence is there; a number of eminent scientists have now raised serious concerns over ocean noise, specifically including noise from wind farms, insisting that it is causing huge distress to cetaceans, ultimately contributing to their demise.
But, in these times of upside-down logic and questionable morality, evidence can be ignored with impunity. Especially by those who stand to gain financially from the whole murky business.

We’re living in an age when ignoring the truth is rewarded, while daring to use common sense is frowned on and mocked.
Many who have legitimately questioned the integrity of wind power have found themselves on the receiving end of ridicule for airing an opinion that is at odds with the official plan.

In these strange times, individual thoughts are widely discouraged.

Remember the days, not so long ago, when the whale was a symbol for the entire environmental movement? Not any more. Some conservation organisations sold out long ago, perhaps their hearts were never truly in the game, or maybe they just got lost along the way.

End excerpt. Full report here:

Las Vegas News Magazine

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