CNN Contributor Gives Dem Strategist Reality Check: 'Your Party Is in Trouble'


Republican strategist and CNN contributor Scott Jennings warned Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky that her “party is in trouble” in a viral exchange encapsulating Kamala Harris’s fading chance of becoming president.

Roginsky said that “I don’t understand for the life of me why Republicans who support Trump still call themselves Republicans if they ever voted for Ronald Reagan or George Bush or worked for Mitch McConnell or any of the kinds of things that Republicans used to stand for.”

“Number one, I want lower taxes. Number two, I want conservative judges on the court,” Jennings responded.

“Not with Trump!” Roginsky shot back.

“Number three, I want a better economy for American workers. Number four, I want a president who cares what’s going on in Middle America, which the Democratic Party has completely and totally abandoned,” he added.

“Are there Republicans right now? Is there a push-and-pull on foreign policy in the party? Absolutely,” he added.

“That’s true all the time for every political Party. You don’t have total unanimity on every issue. And I do prefer a muscular foreign policy and maybe Donald Trump, like every other politician I’ve ever voted for, won’t do everything that I like all of the time.”

“But I’ll tell you this: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have run this country into the ground. I want a center-right government. And most of the time, they’re going to do what I want to do. And all of the time, she’s not.”


Roginsky proceeded to ramble on about the inflation of Trump’s tariff policies before returning to his point about the wider GOP and how “whatever whims come into [Trump’s] head … you all jump behind him.”

“If he said the sky’s purple tomorrow, you’d say the sky’s purple tomorrow,” she claimed.

“There’s nothing left in the Republican Party anymore that is based in any kind of ideology. You don’t even have a party platform anymore. It is based on the whims of one man and you’re all falling in line.”

“And I think that’s really sad for a party that used to stand for something. I didn’t agree with what a lot of it stood for, but at least it had a coherent message and a coherent policy.”

Jennings noted that “it’s not a cult.”

“I don’t always agree with Donald Trump. I don’t agree — there’s virtually no politician alive that I or I think any other American voter agrees with all the time, and it’s my right to agree and disagree and it’s also my right to vote for a direction for the government that’s basically in line with where I want to be,” he said.

“There’s two people running, Trump and Harris. Harris, none of the time is going to do what I want, and Trump most of the time is going to do what I want. And millions of Republicans are going to make that choice — whether they come from the Romney, Bush, McConnell, Reagan, whatever wing of the Republican Party. Millions of Republicans are making that calculation today,” he added.

“And the reason you’re upset is because Harris is struggling, Trump is surging, and you know your party in trouble.”

It’s true, the Democrats are in trouble, and they know it.

This can be gauged purely by the Democrat’s increasingly ridiculous and fear-mongering claims against Trump.

READ: Top House Dems Suggest They Won’t Certify Election If Trump Wins

Las Vegas News Magazine

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