Nebraska Pro-Life Voters Should Vote Yes on 434 and No on 439


Pro-lifers should vote FOR Initiative 434, and vote AGAINST Initiative 439.

(Vote for “four” and decline “nine”!)

Contrary to some well-meaning, but erroneous misinformation, initiative 434 DOES NOT create a right to abortion in the constitution. We’ve heard a few say that they are going to vote against 434 or simply abstain from 434. Avoid these key mistakes and make your pro-life vote count!

Here is what Initiative 434 DOES:

  • Protects babies in the womb from abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, except in cases of medical emergency, sexual assault or incest.
  • Preserves the many pro-life laws and safeguards that Nebraskans have put in place over the past few decades to protect women and girls from coerced, unsafe, and/or unregulated abortions.
  • Allows our Legislature to continue working toward greater protections in the first trimester.

Keep in mind Pope St. John Paul II’s judgement as stated in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae (paragraph #73) that Catholics may support incremental laws while working toward the protection of all innocent life, especially when defending against evil policy proposals. Initiative 439 is certainly an example of an evil policy proposal!

Despite its deliberately deceptive language, if passed, Initiative 439 DOES (among other things):

  • Allow abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
  • Remove current safeguards intended to protect the vulnerable from coerced abortion, including parental notification requirements which would allow human traffickers to prey on minors.
  • Opens the door to forcing taxpayers to fund abortions – even if they have strongly held religious objections.

What not to do:

It is crucial to note that Initiative 434 & Initiative 439 are competing amendments. If a voter were to cast a “no” or “against” vote on 434, they would be essentially giving a vote to 439. If a voter were to cast an “against” vote on 434 in addition to their “against” vote on 439, that voter would also cancel out their “no” vote on 439. If conflicting ballot measures receive enough votes to pass, the ballot measure that receives the highest number of “For” votes will prevail. Both of these misguided voter scenarios increase the chances of Initiative 439 prevailing.

If you need further clarification, you can check out our website here or call the NRL office, 402-438-4802. We are here to help you understand just what’s at stake here. And please help spread the word to your relatives and friends!

Las Vegas News Magazine

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