Here's Another Reason Not to Vote for Harris: 'Voting Rights'


Rep. Katherine Clark (Mass.), the Democratic whip, said if they win the House, they plan to resurrect their voting rights bills and pass legislation to counter Roe v Wade. That should strike terror in the minds and hearts.

They say they want to preserve ‘democracy,’ starting with ‘voting rights.’ They will not call this nation a Constitutional Republic. 

“We know that everything flows from the right to vote and having voter security, and what we have seen are attacks on that right to vote — undermining, through misinformation, Americans’ belief in the integrity [of elections],” Clark said. “We have fair and secure elections in this country. … Donald Trump and JD Vance are still denying the 2020 election, which is outrageous.”

They plan to introduce the For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

The Hill wrote: The legislation introduced by Democrats would expand opportunities to vote by mail, require that states establish electronic voter legislation, and give the Justice Department more authority to enforce voting rights law. The Democratic-controlled House is poised to vote on the legislation on Wednesday; it previously passed the lower chamber in 2019 but was never taken up by the then-Republican-controlled Senate.

This is what HR1 will actually do:
  1. MOST DANGEROUS CLAUSE: The bill provides stiff penalties for anyone who ‘harasses’ poll workers and government administrators. Questioning election results can be prosecuted under a broad definition of what constitutes harassment.
  2. Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. In other words, no voter ID. H.R. 1 would force states to adopt online, same-day, and automatic voter registration. The goal of this is to register as many Leftists as possible.
  3. It would also become illegal for states to require voter ID from people applying for mail-in ballots. So, in states with strict in-person voter ID laws, Leftists would be able to bypass these laws by simply applying to vote by mail.
  4. Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration. If you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote.
  5. 16-year-olds must be registered to vote. Children voting is a big plus for Democrats, and this is the first step.
  6. Nationwide same-day registration.
  7. Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities. [brainwashing]
  8. Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents. States would be barred from purging inactive voters from the voter rolls, so once the Democrats get a fake voter name added to the rolls, it would have to stay.
  9. Murderers and rapists can vote.
  10. Mandatory early voting.
  11. Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
  12. It gives federal workers [union people, mostly Democrats] SIX DAYS of paid vacation to work the polls.
  13. The bill also “allows for counting of ballots in an election for Federal office that is received through the mail after the date that is 10 days after the date of the election,” the bill states.

    In other words, they will have 10 days after election day to receive and count new votes. If they don’t have enough ballots for their candidate, they will find them. That likely happened this past election.

  14. H.R. 1 also includes a “contingency” clause requiring that states adopt emergency plans for universal mail-in voting whenever there is a natural disaster or “infectious disease.” Election day falls inside of hurricane and flu seasons. Democrats will be able to force universal mail-in voting onto the country permanently. If a state refuses to implement universal mail-in voting whenever there is an infectious disease, then the Federal government and liberal advocacy groups would be able to use the courts to uphold H.R.1.
For the People Act nationalizes the elections.

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act turns most of your states’ voting rights over to a three-judge panel in DC or to the Department of Justice.

It allows unelected and unelectable fanatics sitting at desks in DC to think up voting rules no one would ever approve.

It brings back the mandate of preclearance before a state can change most voting laws. Either a panel in DC with its ACLU graduates or the corrupt DoJ would get to make the decision.

For example, if a state wants voter ID requirements, or to reduce all the languages of voting materials, change the number of voting locations, or make changes to district boundaries, it would be turned over to the DC court or the DoJ.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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