OUCH! Kamala's Terrible, Horrible, VERY BAD Weeks Gets Worse As List of Her 'Accomplishments' Goes Viral


Kamala Harris actually has a very large list of accomplishments.

It’s true.

We had no idea of just how many ‘things’ she’s gotten done in her decades-long career.


HA ha.


1994: Appointed to Unemployment Insurance Board (by Willie Brown).

1995: Appointed to CA Medical Asst. Commission (by Willie Brown).

1998: Managing Attorney of CCU in SF.

1999: Withheld exculpatory evidence in George Gage case—led to 70 year prison sentence.

2002: Lied about Prosecutorial Record.

2003: Elected as San Francisco DA.

2004: Refused to seek death penalty for cop murderer.

2005: Refused to release records of sexually abusive Priests.

2010: Elected as CA AG by 0.5% margin.

2011: Withheld information leading to 600+ drug-related cases being tossed.

2012:     }  Threw 1,500+ people behind

2013:     }  bars over marijuana offenses

2014:     }  and refused early release of

2015:     }  prisoners bc of cheap labor.

2016: Elected to the CA U.S. Senate seat.

2018: Chanted “down, down with deportation” at parade w/hoaxter Jussie Smollett.

Enters 2020 presidential race—dropped out over no support.

• Promised to End Cash Bail

• Abolish Court-Ordered Fines

• Expunge the Records of Felons

• End Federal Mandatory Min. Sentences

• Defund the Police• Defund ERO/ICE

• Supports Gun Confiscation2020: 

Selected by Joe Biden as his VP.

2021-2024:• Endless Wars

• $72B+ to Iran

• Fentanyl Crisis

• Cocaine in WH

• Cancelled Women

• Word Salad Brat Queen

• Energy Dependent

• $200B+ to Ukraine

• DOJ Weaponization

• Joker-esq Cackles

• Staged Second Coup

• Classified Documents

• Open Southern Border

• Hides From Press/Interviews

• Supply Chain Shortages

• Voted Most Incompetent VP

• Abysmal Retention Rate of Staff

• Laughs at nothing, and her own jokes

• Rape is up 42%

• Assault is up 34%

• Robbery is up 63%

• Violent Crime is up 55%

• Stranger Violence is up 61%

• Domestic Violence is up 32%

• Motor Vehicle Theft is up 42%

• Violent Crime w/Weapon is up 56%

• Rigged 2020 Election

• Record High Inflation

• Record Homicide Rates

• Record High Gas Prices

• Record High Grocery Prices

• Record High National Debt

• Record High Spending Bills

• Record High American CC Debt

• Re-entered Paris Agreement

• Admitted to No COVID Plan

• Advocates for Child Mutilation

• Normalization of Pedophilia

• Historic Low Petroleum Reserves

• Lowest K-12 Test Scores in a Decade

• Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

• $80B+ in Military Equipment to Taliban

• Amnesty to 11M+ Illegal Immigrants

• Increase in Trans-Activist Shooters

• Gay OF Porn in Senate Hearing Room

2025: TBD (expect the same, or worse)When Kamala Harris is involved, failure, incompetence, and negligence isn’t just expected; it’s guaranteed.

Gosh, with a record like that who WOULDN’T vote for Trump against her? Ahem.

His post also continues … who knew she would have SO MANY accomplishments? Heh.

1995: Not only was she unqualified for the highly-paid state commission her boyfriend appointed her to, but she also missed more than 20% of the meetings, more than any other commissioner.

2014: Helped pass Prop 47, the measure effectively decriminalizing shoplifting in California.

2018: Not only did she attend a rally with Jussie Smollett, she also completely fell for his hoax, and has never apologized for helping him defame white Trump supporters as vicious hate criminals. Speaking of hoaxes, she was also one of the loudest public voices defaming Brett Kavanaugh based on the ridiculous allegations from Christine Blasey Ford.

2019: Campaigned on banning all fracking, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and banning gasoline cars.

2020: Encouraged donations to a bail fund to release rioters from prison.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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