James Carville Predicts 'Plot Twist' Before November Election


Democratic strategist and former advisor to Bill Clinton James Carville has predicted a “plot twist” ahead of the November presidential election.

“This entire cycle, things have happened that we couldn’t imagine,” Carville told CNN‘s Anderson Cooper on Monday, per Fox News.

“How many times did we start the day, start the news night, ‘Who could have thought this was going to happen?’”

“Something tells me something else is going to happen, I don’t know what it is,” Carville said.

“But the idea we’ve got 42 days to go, six weeks.”

“This is a sprint to the finish. I think there’s another plot twist coming here,” he said.

“I’m just not good enough to tell you what it is,” the Democratic strategist admitted.

Carville recently sounded the alarm on the party’s standing among male voters and Biden’s chances of re-election before he was kicked off the ticket.

He also appears to believe Kamala Harris will win.

“I don’t like to predict elections. I would just say, this just doesn’t feel like a race that Harris is going to lose,” Carville said.

“That’s just a feeling.”

“It’s close in the polls, and I’m not convinced that it’s going to be close on Election Day,” Carville said of the polls.

Despite Carville’s predictions, Trump is ahead of Harris in three key swing states , according to a new poll conducted between September 17 and 21.

Trump has taken the lead in Arizona and Georgia, both states he lost to Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten noted the significant shift in swing states.

“Look, you’ve got a lot of red on the screen. This is pretty good news for Donald Trump,” Enten said, pointing to the margins.


The only thing propping Harris up is the media. Trump has the American people.

READ: Tucker Carlson Says Kamala Harris Has No Real Support: ‘Purely a Media Creation’

Las Vegas News Magazine

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