Why They Always Lie – www.independentsentinel.com


The book of Genesis gives an account of what led up to the great flood as follows:

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” (KJV Genesis 6:5,13)

Whether you believe this account is literal or not, it raises some interesting questions: Is it possible to think evil continually, and if it is, what are the consequences?

It seems like some good ideas might slip into even the most destructive streams of thought. Yet, there is something that makes continually-evil-thought possible and even common—and that something is ideology. A pervasive ideology, belief system, or worldview could certainly influence every thought and action.

Probably the best example of a pervasive ideology is the Marxist worldview that has been believed in and practiced by various totalitarians and is now being propagated by American Marxists, including some prominent democrats.

If every thought is based on or filtered through false collectivist concepts, then every idea will have the taint of evil, and sow seeds of destruction. When the constant drumming of false concepts is linked with an end-justifies-the-means mentality, ever-expanding misery and desolation can become logical consequences.

But wait, don’t Marxists have some good intentions? They certainly do, but everything they think is influenced by false assumptions. And they justify lying to get and retain power under the delusion that it is for “the good of the whole.”

What are the consequences of deceptive ideology? Biden/Harris orders and policies quickly killed our energy independence and increased fuel costs by about 50%.

Of course, the direct result was runaway inflation that has already cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Biden-Harris inflation has taken thousands of dollars out of our pockets and could result in national financial Armageddon, which by the way, democratic socialists would use as an excuse to seize more power.

Nate Jackson summed it up well saying: “Democrats are invested in opposing basic supply-and-demand economics…Free markets have lifted more people out of poverty than any other system. Leftists believe a relatively few politicos in DC can decide both supply and demand, and that they can run your life better than you do. That’s absurd.”

What would be happening now if Trump had been in office during the last few years? It’s almost a surety that we would have energy independence, low inflation, low interest rates, and a booming economy, with houses and cars costing about a third less. My extra costs for basic necessities have increased about $15,000 per year. How much have ideological lies cost you? Since Biden/Harris supporters have cost some of us about $50,000, how about some reparations?

If you believed the lies and voted or cheated for Biden/Harris, you might be thinking that you are a basically good person who supports decency and fairness. Now, more than ever before, it’s perfectly clear that there is nothing decent or fair about Marxist Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, the Carbon Climate Hoax, etc.

PragerU recently sent out an email that said: “Small business is being ruined, jobs are being destroyed, families are suffering…The slide to socialism is getting steeper by the second…The real problem is that millions of good people are still doing NOTHING to fight back against these liberty-crushing policies. This must change right now…Tyranny will win if good people do nothing.”

Current events continue to verify that the progressive stream of evil ideas is dedicated to tearing down Western civilization and replacing it with a communist hellhole utopia. Americans now have a clear choice: Will we fight for truth, freedom, and prosperity, or against it? Every one of us can choose whether to be a hero or a villain.

© Copyright 2024 Gene Van Shaar

Gene Van Shaar has spent a lifetime studying, teaching, and writing about freedom, faith, and family. Many of his posts, articles, and books are available via https://x.com/genevanshaar and https://genevanshaar.substack.com.

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