The Media is Lying, Pro-Life Laws Did Not Kill Two Women


The pro-abortion lobby and legacy media are lying to you again. This week, shocking headlines portrayed the deaths of two women incorrectly, blaming a new Georgia law that had nothing to do with their tragic deaths.

Here’s what really happened:

Amber Nicole Thurman died after she took the abortion pill, deregulated by the FDA (with multiple safety restrictions eliminated), which caused complications and left parts of her twin unborn babies inside her.

Thurman legally obtained abortion pills in North Carolina to end the lives of her unborn twins, but without an ultrasound (something required by the FDA only a few years prior), she couldn’t possibly know.

Five days later, after returning to her native Georgia, she began to abort the twins, but both babies’ remains were still in the uterus. She began to develop sepsis and went to the hospital.

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Doctors monitored her condition and hospitalized her, but Thurman died before they could do a D&C (dilation and curettage) to remove the remaining parts of her unborn twins after the incomplete abortion.

The second woman, Candi Miller, also died following a botched abortion after taking the abortion pill. In her case, the FDA’s malfeasance rose again.

According to multiple reports, the 41-year-old woman ordered abortion pills online, but they caused an incomplete abortion, leaving parts of her baby’s body inside her. She too needed a D&C to remove the parts of her deceased baby but stayed at home and did not go to the emergency room or a doctor for care.

And why would she? The FDA no longer requires it, and there is no way for a lay person to determine what is or is not normal after taking the abortion pill.

Without a required doctor visit to guide her, without an ultrasound or follow-up visit, Miller was left to suffer alone. Her teenage son watched her suffer for days after she took the pills, bedridden and moaning and then, on the morning of Nov. 13, 2022, she died.

Miller’s husband found her unresponsive in bed, her 3-year-old daughter at her side. An autopsy found the parts of the aborted baby left inside her and it also found a lethal combination of painkillers and fentanyl—likely taken to combat the pain.

Although media often neglect to mention it, every state in the U.S.—including states with near-total restrictions on abortion—has an exception for the “life of the mother.”

Sepsis is a threat to life, and every doctor worth his or her salt knows this full well.

  • The loosening of safety restrictions on the abortion pill by the FDA;
  • The failure of the hospital to provide life-saving care to Thurman;
  • Miller’s inability to understand what is “normal” after taking an abortion pill — because, after all, the FDA no longer requires a doctor’s visit;

These things caused the tragic, untimely deaths of two Georgia women. It’s sad that in today’s heightened political climate that their deaths are being used by the pro-abortion lobby and legacy media as talking points for the radical Left.

LifeNews Note: Sarah Parshall Perry is a senior legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. This article originally appeared at The Daily Signal.

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