The Only Plan Kamala Harris Has for America is More Abortions


Two days after their face-to-face in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris and her cohorts are confirming again exactly what their top strategy is to beat Donald Trump. I’ve put it bluntly before: she wants to rise to the pinnacle of the presidency on a mound of bodies of aborted babies.

It’s not just her words and her tour bus across Florida. Kamala summons more emotion talking about abortion than she does on any other subject, including the economy, crime, and the struggles of everyday Americans. Her go-to, time and again, is the phrase spawned by Madison Avenue ad agencies – a woman should have the right to control her own body. Whatever one thinks of the scientific or medical accuracy of the phrase, it has broad appeal to women, especially in a feminist-saturated culture.

Of course, that isn’t the end of the debate. It leaves out the most important person, the one with the highest stake in the outcome, the one to be killed. The omission is sad and depressing. It enables us to travel down the dark road of a million U.S. abortions a year without ever contemplating what we’re doing. To say the obvious, pregnancy is simple science. If you are a man, in your lifetime, only one heart will ever beat inside your chest. If you are a woman, it is usually one, but if you are with child, it will be two – with the second beating inside the chest of a little boy or girl brand new to this world.

We have reviewed it many times, but again, this is what the science says:

  • Four weeks after conception, the embryo’s heart starts beating, circulating oxygen-bearing blood throughout its body.
  • That same week, the neural tube forms, which will become the baby’s brain and spinal cord.
  • Seven weeks after conception, brain waves can be detected.
  • By ten weeks after conception, the fetal heart has beat more than 10 million times.

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  • By 13 weeks after conception, the latest evidence shows the developing fetus can feel pain.
  • Week after week beyond, the child moves protectively when a twin is present, reacts to foods the mother eats, has sleep and wake cycles, exchanges cells with the mother that protects them both, yawns and blinks – rapidly and relentlessly growing.

Imagine one of the “moderators” at the ABC News-sponsored debate asking Kamala a follow-up stating some of these facts. Well, you’ll have to imagine it, because it will never happen. We’ve all heard about the forgotten man in our politics. This is the forgotten child. Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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