Black and Hispanic Voters Support Trump by Historically High Margins


Tomorrow night is the big debate. Make sure you’re watching at 9:00 EST. A lot is at stake.

With that in mind, over at Hotair, Duane Patterson quips “Kamala Harris is Slip-Slidin’ away.” Matthew Continetti chips in with “The Harris Mystique: How Kamala Harris weaponized vagueness.”

Both posts zone in on pro-abortion Vice President Kamala Harris’s numerous weaknesses. Many of them are not what you would have expected, if you listened to or only read the Legacy Media.

First, however, let’s talk about pro-life former President Donald Trump’s huge increase in popularity with people of color.

In September 2020 in the New York Times/Sienna poll, he snared just 7% of Black voters and 31% of Hispanic voters.

By contrast, in September 2024, in another New York Times/Sienna poll, Trump increased his share to 17% of Black voters and 42% of Hispanics!

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What to make of that gigantic jump? Patterson writes

According to Pew Research, as of 2020, there were roughly 30 million eligible Black voters in the United States, a third of them, or 10 million, residing in the seven swing states. Blacks tend to have, according to recent electoral data, over a 60% participation rate in voting. So let’s take a harder look at the swing states. If six million Blacks cast a vote this November, and Donald Trump earns 17% of those voters instead of 7%, that’s a net increase of 600,000.

A similar study by Pew looking at Latino voters show that there are 39.2 million eligible Latino voters, which is an increase over 2020. The participation rate is a little over 50%. Again, if the NYT/Siena polling reflects the new reality of the share Donald Trump is getting with Latinos, that’s a net gain of at least 2.16 million votes nationally.

JP’s Jeffrey Blehar finds the mother lode in that same New York Times/Sienna poll.

The most interesting number in the poll — the one that may tell the tale in November — came from NYT/Siena’s questions to likely voters: (1) Do you want a “major change” in this election? (2) Between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, which candidate “represented a major change” from Biden? On the first, over 60 percent said yes — a staggering number. And then in answer to question 2, only 25 percent of likely voters said Kamala Harris represented that change. Fifty-three percent said Trump did.

The ruse isn’t working. The media can try to continue selling Harris as a “fresh start,” but voters are smart enough not to buy it for a second — if for no other reason than that she utterly refuses to tell voters what she actually is for in any way they are allowed to query. Voters want change, and if the race remains where it is now, they are about to get it in the strangest way possible: heading back to the future with Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Harris’s “secret,” according to Continetti, is not an “adulatory media,” aka “worshipful press coverage,”  although that surely helps. It’s rather relief by Democrats and Democratic-leaners that a sure loser—Joe Biden—is off the ticket.

There is “relief and excitement that Democrats have a chance to keep Trump from returning to the White House. The surprise, unbidden possibility of victory endowed Harris with a mystique. She’s made the most of it.”

But, alas for her sake, that sugar high is fading. While the press has treated her endless flip-flops with kid gloves, there “are signs the voting public may be developing some immunity to Harris’s obfuscations,” Continetti argues.

If Trump is able to pin her down—and that won’t be easy because the moderators from ABC News are not going to do Trump any favors—the numbers in his favor could jump a point or two.

A reminder: The debate’s tomorrow night at 9:00 on ABC. “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and ABC News Live “Prime” anchor Linsey Davis will moderate the debate. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.

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