Shhh. A moment of ‘climate silence’ being observed on live TV – Morano on Fox & Friends on Harris-Walz ‘climate silence’ & pushing climate solutions as ‘freedom’



Fox & Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast Aug. 25, 2024


Partial Transcript: 

Rachel Campos-Duffy: Even the Washington Post has taken notice, saying the split-screen approach suggests that Democrats see talking about the environment as a lose-lose proposition. Here to discuss is Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano. Marc, it is really interesting she cast the deciding vote on the Big Green New Deal, or some call it a scam, and she should be bragging about it, and no one’s talking about this issue. Why, what’s happened?

Marc Morano: This is this is the biggest con I’ve seen in modern politics. Kamala Harris in 2019 was the co-sponsor of The Green New Deal — the AOC original Green New Deal, and as you mentioned, Harris cast a breaking vote in 2022 for the Inflation Reduction Act. Climate is supposed to be an existential threat. Climate is supposed to be in crisis —  an emergency. The Biden-Harris Administration was talking openly — as The Washington Post and Associated Press reported — declaring a National Climate emergency — and all of a sudden, summer of 2024, everything went silent. And why is that? Because according to the Washington Post, the New York Times, they have found in focus groups, they have found in polling, they have found this across the board — that there’s just no concern over climate change in America. It’s dropped even in these polls by the mainstream media, out of the top 20 issues, it’s not even in the top half, and so what’s happened is they’ve just moved on, and they’re framing it now, according to the New York Times, as an issue of ‘freedom’ —  climate ‘solutions’ will bring ‘freedom.’ This is after they talked about banning gas-powered cars, restricting meat eating, banning gas stoves and thermostat controls, and CNN promoting ‘carbon passports’ for travel. But now they’ve just gone silent on this existential threat of the 21st century. We’re being conned.

Morano: This is a huge opening for Trump. They need to ridicule what Harris has said and done. Remember, she was the one who said climate change was the root cause of immigration on the southern border, and she actually went down to investigate. They can’t let her get away with this.

Gov. Tim Walls, by the way, is the exact same way. He was actually —  going back a decade — trying the same tactic of avoiding climate change by telling Minnesotans to support then Pres. Obama’s climate bills because ‘we would all be rich from it’ — they’re all emphasizing this fake government-supported green jobs so-called, and they’re getting labor unions involved and the ideas we’re going to subsidize through trillions of dollars. Remember, the Inflation Reduction Act was only a couple hundred billion dollars, but now the latest estimates are without Congressional authorization of spending of over $1 trillion and rising. So this money is being pumped in. That’s how they’re trying to sell climate change now,  as some kind of cash scam for people to get rich off of.  No longer do we face the tipping point 12 years or the existential threat. They know the public’s not buying that scientific claptrap.

Morano: 2030 was AOC’s climate tipping point deadline, and the clock is ticking, but usually, when it expires, they cross it out and put a new date.

Rachel Campos-Duffy: Tick-tock, tick-tock. Thank you, Marc. So great to have you on.

Morano: Thank you, Rachel. Appreciate it.




NYT: ‘Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That’ – ‘If she takes a strong position on climate…it will make her look too progressive’


Harris-Walz push ‘climate silence’! WaPo: ‘Why Democrats are so quiet about climate change right now’ –

Dem ‘Party leaders appear to have calculated that climate silence is the safest strategy’ as ‘most voters rank other issues as more important’

NYT: ‘Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That’ – ‘If she takes a strong position on climate…it will make her look too progressive’

‘Third Rail’: Here’s Why Team Kamala Isn’t Peddling The Typical Dem Climate Panic This Election – Morano: ‘No one is buying their ‘climate emergency’ claptrap anymore’

Morano: “The climate activists in the Democrat Party have finally realized that no one is buying their ‘climate emergency’ claptrap anymore or their claims of 5, 10, or 20 years left to ‘save the planet.’ Instead, they are peddling a barrage of silly economic claims that somehow pouring hundreds of billions and now trillions of dollars into government centrally planned projects will help Americans,” Marc Morano, the publisher of Climate Depot, told the DCNF.

Morano: “This new Democrat climate messaging, where they don’t mention climate, is part of the legacy of the Inflation Reduction Act, where local communities and certain states get unlimited federal funds poured into them via taxpayers to create a ‘green economy.’”

Morano: “Having politicians pick energy winners and losers for American workers is a failed policy. Walz has been foisting this low-key climate messaging on Minnesota for years. He once tried to sell former President Obama’s climate cap-and-trade bill as a way Minnesotians ‘can get rich on cap-and-trade.” – See: Time Mag. gushes over Harris VP pick: ‘Tim Walz Knows How to Talk About Climate Change’ – Told Minnesota voters that ‘we can get rich on cap & trade’ during Obama admin.

Shhhh. Despite climate silence, Harris Planning ‘Bold Action’ on Climate Change, Adviser Says

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Harris’ VP Pick Walz Has Pushed Green Energy Mandates More Aggressive Than Gavin Newsom’s – ‘Walz signed over 40 climate-related initiatives into law’

Las Vegas News Magazine

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