Alabama Has a Plan to Stop Illegal Aliens from Voting


Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has evidence the Biden-Harris regime is working to sign up and encourage illegal aliens to vote. The administration is using a federal policy to force every government agency to register illegal aliens to vote. While the form says they aren’t allowed to vote, these are people who just broke our laws to get into the country and want to stay.

Current federal policies mandate that anyone who comes into contact with certain state agencies be provided with voter registration information. This policy mandates that non-citizens receive information regarding registering to vote in Alabama and registration forms required to register to vote.

Wes Allen said, “Biden‘s attempt to take advantage of the crisis he created at the border by tying the hands of agencies such as Medicaid and forcing them to enact his scheme is disgraceful.”

They are subverting our elections to retain power in perpetuity. They are communists, and they don’t care about the law.


Secretary Allen has identified 3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary announced today that he is instructing the Boards of Registrars in all 67 counties to immediately inactivate and initiate steps necessary to remove all individuals who are not United States Citizens.

“I have been clear that I will not tolerate the participation of noncitizens in our elections,” Allen said. “I have even gone so far as to testify before a United States Senate Committee regarding the importance of this issue. We have examined the current voter file in an attempt to identify anyone who appears on that list that has been issued a noncitizen identification number.”

He has repeatedly asked the administration for a list of illegal aliens in his state and DHS has declined.

He is approaching it from a different angle and reviewing every voter file.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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