Common Dreams mag: ‘Forget Wealth Tax. We Should Abolish Extreme Wealth Altogether’


Raising Taxes on the Rich Will Reduce Climate Change

You laugh.

But this is a serious theory recently articulated by leftist groups including Common Dreams and Oxfam – which gets U.S. tax dollars:

Inequality contributes to climate change. The richest 1 percent is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66 percent, according to a 2023 report by Oxfam. Of course, while the world’s wealthiest people make a huge contribution to climate change, they are also able to insulate themselves from the worst impacts of global warming.

To set the record straight: the poor are the victims of climate change fanaticism, not climate change. Policies that deny poor people cheap and efficient fossil fuel energy are the best way to keep people poor.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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