Watch NYC After News of the 9/11 Terrorists Deal


Watch the protesters in New York City on this link. They are angry that two terrorists were killed this week: the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas were assassinated. These people are supporting terrorists. The protesters are terrorists and should be arrested.

An American flag was burned and Hamas flags were flown at a Times Square anti-Israel protest on Wednesday, according to footage published by Within Our Lifetime.

This is also after news of the plea bargains for the 9/11 terrorists was released. They will not be executed. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al-Hawsawi, will avoid the death penalty under a pre-trial plea deal.

On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed. If we won’t execute these monsters, what message are we sending to terrorists?

The details of the deal were not revealed. They must be bad for America.

Brett Eagleson, the president of 9/11 Justice, an organization that represents 9/11 survivors and relatives of victims, said in a statement provided to the BBC that the families are “deeply troubled by these plea deals.”

He said the process lacked transparency and urged the authorities to pursue more information on the role of Saudi Arabia in the attacks.

Terry Strada, who lost her husband Tom, told the BBC’s Today Programme: “It was a gut-punch to hear that there was a plea deal today that was giving the detainees in Guantanamo Bay what they want.”

Ms Strada, the national chair of the campaign group 9/11 Families United, added: “This is a victory for Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and the other two, it’s a victory for them,” she said.

I know people who died on 9/11. One was an usher at our wedding. I’m also deeply troubled. The deal is likely worse than them just pleading guilty for no death penalty.

In 2017, they claimed New York City for Allah:

Las Vegas News Magazine

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