Leading Pro-Life Group: Vote Pro-Life, Reject Kamala Harris


A press release from Heartbeat International, the world’s largest pregnancy help association, warns of presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s commitment to any-stage abortions and history of targeting pregnancy help centers.

In the press release, Heartbeat International expressed profound concern over Kamala Harris’s extensive track record of targeting pregnancy resource centers and her unwavering support for all abortion procedures.

According to Heartbeat International, Harris represents an extremist abortion agenda and poses a significant threat to the free speech and autonomy of pro life organizations.

Harris’s “well-documented” history of targeting pregnancy centers includes her efforts as Attorney General of California to push legislation that would force these centers to promote abortions, a mandate that was ultimately ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in NIFLA v. Becerra.

“Her relentless efforts to silence compassionate, caring pregnancy help that provides essential support to women and families in need are a direct assault on our mission and values,” the press release stated.

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The press release went on to highlight further evidence of Harris’s extreme views on abortion, including her consistent opposition to any restrictions, including for late-term procedures and protections for babies surviving abortion attempts, and her support for the Women’s Health Protection Act, which seeks to enforce unrestricted abortion nationwide.

Additionally, Harris’s substantial support from abortion lobbyists and her controversial actions against whistleblowers at Planned Parenthood reveal her strong bias and disregard for accountability in the abortion industry, according to Heartbeat International.

“We urge the pro-life community and all Americans who value free speech and human dignity to recognize the extreme agenda that Kamala Harris represents,” the press release concluded. “It is imperative that we stand united against efforts to dismantle the vital services provided by pregnancy help organizations and to advocate for policies that uphold the sanctity of life.”

LifeNews Note: Rachel Quackenbush writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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